Beautiful pt. (iii) - Take me out to the Ball Game

Before we embarked on our journey to Johor for YMLC, each of us wrote on a piece of paper expectations we had for this conference.

On my piece of paper, I wrote down three things:
One. To understand what it means to have God perpetually in my mind, but still be able to do other things, like studying and preparations for ministry, and not just do them, but concentrate on them.
Two. To learn the ways to be beautiful in God's eyes.
Three. Re-confirmation with regards to my calling & affirmation as to what I am to do next.

I tell you, God answered every one, all three of my requests. I sought His answer; He answered. I sought His instruction; He instructed. I sought His confirmation; He confirmed. Fantastic.

God did not delay in answering; snatching every opportunity to minister to me, to lead me and guide me. He got to work straight away with the first sermon, beginning His long instruction in reply to my second request.

"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

~ John 8: 31-32

The German Bible (Luther translation) uses the word "bleiben", which literally translates to "to stay; to remain". To "abide" is to continue to dwell in, and not stopping short at simply knowing.
In other words, Jesus instructs us to be doers of His word, practitioners of His teaching, and not just hearers of His voice.

Because transformation, that change that everyone seems to talk about when one becomes a Christian, a follower, a lover, a disciple, a friend of God Almighty, comes in the doing. It is in the active engagement that transformation is manifested. It is a test of perserverence. It is a lifelong lesson of persistence.

And what are we being transformed into?
The likeness of Christ, the Son of God, the beautiful One.
We pursue the Holy One by abiding in Him, by actively following His word. And that is the transformation. We become more and more like Him. And that, to God, is truly beautiful. The act of obedience, gratitude, reverence and love, & the product of that labour, both are captivatingly beautiful in God's eyes.

To be beautiful in God's eyes is to be relentless. To be persistent and unyielding and unrelenting and insistent and uncompromising for what is worthy of such an attitude. And who is more worthy of such passionate pursuit than God? What is more befitting of such a close-minded endeavor than the Truth itself? Than Truth Himself?

Have you seen people playing football (or soccer), basketball, etc.? To me, these are pretty intense games. But what I watch out for are the players. I love watching them play. Though for some of them, their lives may be somewhat complicated, with much to worry about, when they play, all is seemingly left on the benches, on the sidelines. The expression of focus and utmost concentration on the game, their entire being being in the game, mind, heart, body, is just so beautiful to watch.

I think it is like that for God. How much more when instead of a game, we are concentrating on Him! I think He's pretty tickled by that. To have all the spotlights focussed on Him tickles Him so because it is what He wants. And rightfully so!

But He will not force us to worship and bow down. He chose to give us choice.

Will you choose to relentlessly pursue and insist on God?