That One Night Stand

I remember when I was younger, praying to God only at night, just before I go to sleep. And then slowly, I came to realise that that was not a good idea because I sometimes found myself dozing off whilst still in prayer! Imagine that: talking to someone and then drifting off, your voice becoming an increasingly inaudible whisper, to silence! How rude!

After that, I decided to pray as and when I wanted to. Of course, as time trudged along, I soon forgot to do just that - pray. I decided I was a creature of habit (aren't we all?), and so required a fixed time at least to assure myself and God that I'd spend a bare minimun of time with Him everyday.

It became a morning thing. Which worked fine once I was out of secondary school and junior college (because they were morning schools), and began to gain some experience in the working world. In between during the day, I'd talk to God when I felt I needed to, like a string, held in the palm of God's hand, attached to a bell, hung in my being, and everytime He pulled, I prayed, for whatever He wanted me to pray for.

Today, in this foreign place, I find myself walking and talking and singing to and with God almost every moment of the day. When I walk into town, through town, when I walk from building to building in the university, when I take my bath, when I do my grocery shopping, just before I sleep... I have been like a maidservant in the 19th Century Britain (think Jane Austen), who at every tug of the bell by her masters, she answers obediently and willingly. Everytime God pulls, I answer. Immediately. Sometimes, He just wants to hear me sing, or read Him a passage from the Bible, sometimes it's to pray for someone He places on my heart, sometimes it's to give thanks.

Verses in the Bible, past players in the Faith have beseeched followers and fellow believers to pray always, even in the Old Testament, people prayed anytime, anywhere! Go read! There is no fixed place, nor fixed time. Jesus himself prayed practically continuously. When He is happy, when He is sad, when He is desperate and full of anguish, when He is in pain, He prays.

Often you have heard this, that for a relationship to work, all parties must communicate, whether it be verbally or non-verbally. But communication is a must for such an association to be sustained and to progress.

If you know that,
then how much do you want for this relationship you have with the Lord to work?
No one can answer for you because while we are "in this together", in the midst of this "togetherness" there is "the individual". There are choices and stands you must make for yourself.

If you deem this relationship worthy, if you deem the Lord worthy of tireless and passionate pursuit, how is your communication highway with the Lord like?

Do you treat Him like a one night stand? Your mistress, and not your wife?
Only talking to and appeasing Him at night?
Do you keep Him confined within the walls of your bedroom?

I challenge you to remember the Creator 24\7!

I see the Father sitting up and rubbing His hands together in excited anticipation.
He is ready.

I challenge you to remember Him 24\7!


yp said...


I would fail terribly! :(

emyegeeayen said...

i have a feeling if we try, this is something we CAN do.. it may even penetrate into our dreams!

try it a day at a time =]

yp said...

Yes I believe that. I've tried to recording my dreams in the past, They didn't make much sense though.

I'm sure you've read "The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawerance"? Probably the classic on the subject...

I was going to say that I am not sure if that should be the norm... and then I remembered Enoch ;)