having recently completed her exams, megan now finds herself having to face a week of freedom, relatively speaking, of course.
yesterday, megan found out just how big marina square was, and she's still reeling from the slight shock of its sheer size, and the pleasant surprise that it houses her favourite brand (how materialistic she's becoming!) and a number other interesting and attractive boutiques.
whilst browsing the internet some time ago (oh the wonders of technology), megan chanced upon a brand that sounds and looks respectable; not the bordering on the "trashy" or "cheap" (whatever and however you take it to mean) side. i think you must have heard of it:
and after "leafing" through the apparel chain's online catalogue, megan found that she likes the clothing line's products. the prices were not sky high, but they were not rock bottom either. which would mean she'd have to work and earn money to indulge. she has to watch herself too because she has the tendency to get carried away by things and forsaking all else, and she has no intention of watching her relationship with God turn cold and brittle, neither has she the mind to let her fingers get stiff and rusty (one cannot play the piano beautifully without trained and nimble fingers).
after a brief moment at marina square, accompanied by puiki, megan made a beeline for one of her favourite places in this confusing (i say confusing because that is the feeling evoked whenever one mentions Singapore to me) country - the esplanade. they managed to find what they were looking for (iron ladies II).megan always had a soft spot for thai male homosexuals. no apparent reason why. in fact, it could be ventured to far as to claim that only God knew why this was so. perhaps it is God's purpose for her; that her ministry here on earth would be the gays.
today, megan helped her mum pack the dry dishes from the night before, washed the breakfast dishes and made the bed. she did that without it all registering in her already busy mind.
you see, megan loves to indulge in building a lot (and that's already putting it mildly) of castles in the air. she loves building, literally (ie. physical construction site work), so naturally, she is inclined to continue that activity metaphorically. just what sort of castles, how they look, the stability of their structures and foundations and what they house, no one will ever know, for though she prides herself on being an open book (which some may beg to differ), this is the one thing that megan stubbornly keeps to herself. it is simply not sort the thing one goes about bragging and announcing to anyone and everyone, the deepest, darkest secrets in one's dungeon of the mind.
realising the attractiveness of retail outlets, learning to balance on the tight-rope of globalised and modernised life, climbing out of the well to embrace the mind-boggling vastness of the world and the universe beyond, yes, yes i think so.
our little girl is growing up (sob).