
today was great!

today's the day joyce and i were to present in class on the German Expressionist Cinema.

as some of you might have known, i was a lil apprehensive and quite stressed abt it since this presentation, together with an accompanying thesis paper, was to make up 40% of our final grades for this class (western film history). it didnt help that the work was all pushed to the last minute because joyce was kinda busy..


after we presented, Jan said "very good!"
but i thought that he, like any other teacher, would have said that just to cheer the presenters up after crossing that seemingly difficult and stressful(?) hurdle.

these two engineering guys presented after us on the cinema after the Expressionist movement - basically the New German Cinema (more impressionist than expressionist). i thought it was good, except for using too many words on the slides. seriously, i had problems reading and listening at the same time. also, they didnt have much, or in my opinion, enough, of my fav - pix. Jan pointed that out too, but he didnt pass the comment he gave us
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so, it is likely i was wrong in my assumption, and it is likely that he meant it =]

feels like a weight has been lifted from my chest!
well, not lifted totally as i've, or rather, we've still the thesis paper to do. but it still feels good that the work has paid off =D

this is one of the very few times that i can actually hold my head up high and proclaim with a confident and loud voice that i've put in a lot of effort into this (approx 89%) and the hard work has paid off =]


thank you, God, for pulling me through. i pray you forgive me for the thoughts and the words that i've thought of and said that were unkind. thank you for giving me another reason to trust you, and to have confidence in you. thank you for being the just and faithful one as you are.
