Our preoccupation with beauty, some insatiable hunger and unstoppable quest, that whether aware of it or not, is a reality we are all living in and out. I think there's something in each of us that yearns for beauty. Like a grand golden picture frame, the kind they use for beautiful portraits and works by old artists of the past.Except ours is empty. An empty frame in a grand hallway in our consciousness because we know not what to fill it with. Nothing seems worthy of such a picturesque and beautiful spot.
Clear blue skies, twinkling stars, a box of chocolates, green meadows, massive cathedrals, vinyl records, the blue rider, a red dawn, raindrops of roses, and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with string...
No doubt they are all beautiful in their own unique ways. But somehow, even such awesome speechless beauty doesn't hit the achy breaky spot within us. They just don't measure up to that grand golden frame.
If you don't think so deeply, that hunger, no thirst, no yearning's a better word, yearning for beauty, for things beautiful, to be beautiful, is actually a yearning for acceptence. A yearning for love. Which, if you do think about it long enough, is in fact a yearning for God.
Because He is beautiful. Because He is love.
Only He can fit that grand golden frame in our grand hallway. Remember always being told that we are created with a God-shaped hole in our hearts that only God can fill? Well, here it is. That empty grand golden frame in our grand hallway is reserved specifically, whether you know it or not, for that awesomely and terrifically beautiful God.
God's beauty is proclaimed and praised throughout the Bible. It is a biblical fact. But I realised that, at least for myself, I rarely sit and ponder His beauty, not to even mention, to long to sit and gaze upon it! I tend to praise Him for His beautiful creations: the people I meet, no matter how lovable or unlovable, the stars in the night sky as I lay on my back and stare through the window grails, the rising of a red sun as I feel the wind caress my cheek...But I somehow forget to praise Him for His beauty!
Is your grand golden frame in your grand hallway filled with the One whose beauty is eternal, is beauty, and is eternal?
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple."
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