The Lord's Prayer, your life plan

Today's the day before Christmas Eve.

What would you say if I asked you what's the Lord's Prayer?

You'd probably recite the entire prayer for me, no?
Or even spit out the passage reference(s) in the Bible.

What if I asked you the exact same question again after your first answer?

You'd most probably then say it's a prayer because you're running out of answers to the question.

Those answers are not wrong. They are in fact correct.

But someone saw something that will stretch your vision.
Max Lucado saw something beyond a mere prayer, beyond the words written in the Bible, beyond the precise passage reference. Max Lucado saw a blueprint of the layout of rooms and passages and hallways, as guidelines and instruction for life, for living. It is more than a prayer, it is a life plan.

I don't know about you, but to me, these few verses can be rather general and even vague. Why? Because it is not terribly specific. It's like a single strawberry that has many stems growing from it, and on those stems, leaves and flowers and new fruit. People can read the same line and think about many different things, though originating from the same point, along the same tangent. But that non-specific-ness precisely is the the beauty of the prayer: it's for everyone.

It's a life plan for everyone.

So today, the day before Christmas Eve, I want to challenge you, and even myself, to re-eat the Lord's Prayer. But this time, to do so consciously seeking instruction for you, yourself, for wherever and whatever point you are in right now in your life. And then re-digest & re-mould the Prayer in your own personal words.

"In these verses, Christ has provided more than a model for prayer, he as provided a model for living.
These words do more than tell us what to say to God;
they tell us how to exist with God."

~ Max Lucado in 'The Great House of God'


yp said...

In other words... meditate on the prayer!

that's the kind of thing i want to do with gofish next year. whatt do you think? :)

emyegeeayen said...

i tried it last sunday with GoFish..worked brilliant with some of them & took some others a lot of encouragement\nudging to even begin..i guess their attention span's not that good yet..or they're simply not interested..or i don't command as much respect from them as you, haha =]

i think it's a great idea, though!
we shld ALL so pray abt it & if God wills, do it with boldness & endurance!

yp said...

Another idea I have..

Is to make (or at least rewrite) your own prayer from scripture!

The bible is used as your theological center, so we can be "praying theology".

Here's where I got my idea from:


yp said...

Oh... and I have as much trouble as you do... just ask anyone on the mission team!

emyegeeayen said...

mebe the group's too big and so it's much harder to lead them to move forward together..i don't know =]
but i do know that for that sunday, God was most definitely present..which was awesome..