
Hello, world!

I have returned to sanity after 21 days scooting my bum around 5 countries in Europe.

While touring "should be" relaxing and enjoyable and other synonyms of the sort, this one seemed more to me like a challenge, a test, a long period spent in the classroom. Many times I found myself failing each test of a day, composed of many facets, each chance of a day. And many times my heart may be likened to an earthen jar slowly being chipped away at, bit by bit.

But everytime, sometimes when one tiny chip appears, and sometimes when one more chip is just about all my little jar can take before shattering, God intervenes and reaches down from His Heavenly Throne and sticks a band-aid (or many band-aids) on and give it a reassuring and loving touch before withdrawing, all the while, His watchful Eyes kept trained on me.

These band-aids come in many sizes and many shapes and many states.
It could be an enlightenment, a reminder, a new look at an old lesson, something that you didn't get, a person, some persons...

There is a catch though:
You've got to be still, to be searching, to know and realise and recognise the Hand of God and its works, let alone to hear His Voice.

'Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!'
~ Psalm 46:10


yp said...

haven't heard from you in a long time :]