I am tossed into a cube.
It's large enough for me to sit comfortably in it, but small enough that I can't stretch my legs out from under me. I can't raise my arms above my head, neither can I reach out beyond my bent knees.
It's made of a material that cannot be chipped, ripped nor broken. A transparent material. And I am made to look out of it, made to see. I cannot blink. My eyelids have gone.
There are no doors, no hidden contraption.
No way in, no way out.
Just me in it.
Looking out.
Looking helplessly out.
That cube is then tossed into the ocean.
But this ocean is unlike the ocean you and I know, teeming with life and movement; this ocean is still and dead.
Death is all around me.
As the cube sinks deeper and deeper into the depths, I see bones, cartilage, lifelessly limp bodies of creatures. Those few still alive, one by one, shudder in uncontrollable fits, screaming and moaning, then grow still as death snatches their life away.
I want to get out.
I need to get out.
I can't get out.
That's my nightmare.
It's everything that I fear most: a bottomless ocean, the grim trail and evidence of death, being made to witness what I'd much rather not see..
And being unable to help, not possessing the knowledge to help, absolutely incapable to help.. Being helpless. You cannot even begin to imagine how much that scares, no, torments me.
What is your nightmare?
What do you fear most?
Can you imagine yourself in that situation?
Can your imagination even voluntarily picture you in that situation?
Maybe you're already in that nightmare of yours. Maybe you're already under the circumstances that causes you to fear, to become frustrated, to suffer agonising fits.
Seems like there's no way out. You can't crawl under a desk, grab your blue blankie, curl into a ball, suck your thumb and wish it all away.
It's there, staring you straight in the face.
And then, amidst all that pouting and rolling, amidst all those tears and cries, you suddenly hear a voice. A small voice. A quiet voice. A voice you know so well and have grown to love even when it reprimands. And it says:
And while the doorless cube remains a doorless cube, while the ocean of death remains an ocean of death, while the helpless you remains a helpless you,
it's not so bad
because you know He is there. He makes bold statements, boldy speaks and boldly promises because He is powerful and faithful, just and true.
And the best part about it all?
He loves you.
Maybe your doorless cube is still sinking into the darkness of the ocean of death, bearing the helpless you.
Keep sane because He is with you.
Keep peace because He is leading and protecting you.
Keep faith because He is faithful and just.
Keep hope because He holds your future.
The ocean must have a floor.
The cube must have a door.
And you?
You will have only Him to be thankful for.
(Scriptural passage taken from Psalm 23)
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