

this past few weeks have been really hectic for me, and i apologise to you readers who've been requesting for an update time and time again.

i've presentations, quizzes, readings, assignments, not to mention the camp i just returned from.

i'm tired physically from the lack of sleep and the rigories of events that happen one after the other.

i'm tired mentally from the unpragmatic, bordering on philosophising thinking my mind has been engagin in.

i'm tired emotionally from the interactions with other people, and feeling useless and sticking out like a thumb. (and something else that's a little too personal for me to say here)

there's this little portion of my back that's been hurting on and off for the past 3 days. i think i strained a muscle or smthg.

there's so much to do and so little time to do it. there's so much i want to accomplish but so little energy to do it with.

i want to please God.
i want to do well in school.
i want my quality time with God to never end.

i think we should have a retreat of sorts for F.I.S.H.
i feel for our group even though i'm practically just an acquaintance with majority of you.

i was reminded by Joanne of why i go to church. she didnt give the answer. i did. her's wasnt wrong, but it wasnt the "ultimate" reason why we bother to get up and scoot our booties off to church.

one of the most important reasons why i go to church is because:

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. but pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will heep warm. but how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not so easily broken.
~Ecclesiastes 4 : 9-12

today's article in Our Journey really spoke to me simply because it was what i needed.

it was about triumph over trouble. about what reasons Jesus offered us to be at peace.

Go read John 14:2-3, 13-14, 16-26, 15:4-7, 12-17, 16:33
(i shall not type it here, because i want not to rob you of the awesome feeling i felt when i turned over the pages of the Bible and experienced the awesomeness and reverence of God's Living Word)

i needed peace and You gave it to me.

i needed a time-out from the craziness of this world, and You bought it for me.

i needed a friend to talk to, and You made time for me.

i needed a teacher to discipline and guide me, and You served me.

truly, i stand amaze at God's timing and perfection.

i look at the sunrise and think of God's beauty.

i look at the impending cumulonimbus clouds and fear God' wrath and anger.

i look at the dark waters tossing about, distressed, and experience God's peace, mercy and grace.

i look at the rainbow and reflect on God's goodness.

i look at the silver lining and praise God's soverignty and perfection.

i look at the night sky and whisper a prayer to my wonderful God.

i am all Yours, my Master.