new goal in life

yesterday, i started and finished reading the book i bought on saturday.

i attended the talk entitled "Jesus vs. Aliens: a Pilgrim's Guide to the Galaxy" by Rev Dr David Wilkinson. it really should have been titled "Jesus & Aliens: a Pilgrim's Guide to the Galaxy", haha =] it was quite interesting and fun, and the food was amazing! 3 tiny pieces of assorted bake-products (aka bread, role and brownie), a packet of drink and i'm full =D *beams*

they had a make-shift book shop outside the sanctuary where the talk was held. and as we passed the tables with the books displayed on them, this particular one caught my eye. wouldnt it be simply wonderful to be able to pray like Jesus?

upon purchasing the book, i didnt actually get down to reading it until yesterday (monday). but when i did, and finished it on the same day, i was really all fired up~!!

and now, i want to share a personal goal with all of you :

i, megan, am going to make it my mission to learn to pray like Jesus.

with God as my eternal witness, and you as my earthly witnesses, i am going to pursue this goal as best i can. and should i lose steam on the way, i charge you with a duty; that you may encourage me and give me the push i will need ever so often.

in Jesus' name,
