2 Samuel 7:1-29

David sought to honour God, and God rewarded him with promises for his future. David's response was humble, worshipful prayer.

David not only knew about God, he fellowshipped with God. David shows us the value of knowing God better.

What is prayer? What do we mean when we say that we pray? Some teaching on prayer makes it seem too vague, mystical, spiritual, or even too difficult for us simple, busy women (and of course men!). However, prayer is practical.

Others imagine that praying is kneeling with closed eyes and speaking in eloquent phrases. This is perhaps one kind of prayer, but I believe prayer is communication with the One who loves us most, the One who cares for us and cherishes us more than anyone else, the One who always has our best interest in His heart and mind. Prayer is an attitude of worship and thanksgiving. And this can be done in any position - standing, sitting, kneeling, or lying down. It can be done any time of day or night - as the old hymn says, "Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light." We can pray while driving, working, cleaning, playing, waking up to face our day, or when we can't sleep at night. The apostle Paul tells us to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thes 5:17). For me, more often than not, this means that I pray without ceasing my work. I just talk to the Lord as I carry on my responsibilities.

Prayer is a vital part of every person's spiritual experience. We are all aware of how important verbal communication is to any relationship, such as with our spouses, friends, or coworkers. A quick way to destroy a relationship is to avoid talking. Likewise, prayer is simply verbal communication with God. This simple principle was beautifully exemplified by a dear, older friend who passed away recently. He always started his prayers with, "And Lord..." In other words, he was just continuing where he had left off with his last conversation with God.

Prayer is also the way we get to know God. We pray in order to receive a better understanding of God. Prayer is one of the important elements of nourishing our personal relationships with God. I have discovered that the more time I spend in prayer, the better I begin to know God Himself and the more I see things from His perspective. This in turn brings the neede transformation in my disposition and attitude, which gives me more strength and serenity.

Prayer doesn't so often change the outward circumstances or our situations as much as it transforms the way we view those circumstances and situations. Often it is our spirits and attitudes that need changing.

(From A Quiet Knowing by Gigi Graham Tchvidjian)

Do you feel like you communicate with God when you pray?

Or do your prayers merely fulfill an obligation?

~ The Devotional Bible by Max Lucado

how much do you love God?

i personally believe that once you answer that question, all other pieces of the puzzle fall into place. realise, though, answering this question once in your lifetime will not prove accurate because you change. wake up each morning and ask yourself, "How much do i love God?"

am i willing to forgo temptations and enticements of the world to pick up my cross and follow Jesus?

am i humble enough to kneel in His presence and say i am sorry?

you cannot lie in your answer because your actions will betray your true reply.

think about that.