onslaught of exams

every semester ends in the same big bang way: one moment ure still slaving over your notes, next moment ure jumping 3 feet into the air and heaving sigh after sigh of relief it's all over.

well, my exams making their slow steady way along the sushi conveyor belt towards my booth, where i will have to take them off the belt, remove their plastic covering and tuck in.

141107 - genes 'r 'us
151107 - western film history
221107 - classical social theory
231107 - organisations and organisational change
281107 - sociology of the lifecourse

yea, i've a good five course meal set up and cmg my way.

i'm going to miss this semester: good teachers teaching good stuff.
not to mention my 3 day week..

before starting to really get down and dirty with my notes, though, my family and i, save galen, went to catch the Wiener Sängerknaben at the esplanade =]

it was awesome! it was like watching a choir of golden haired angels singing in heaven..
my fav were O Fortuna, Buchstaben-Polka and Ständchen. but i didnt like Lollipop and Fever; i thought they were stupid.

anyhow, i promise to bring you along next time, GIN NI, okay? then we'll bring binoculars and check out the cute guys on stage esp the conductor =D

so i'm just going to finish up Caroline's work before getting started on revision proper, but before i log off, some smiles..and a prayer=]

this is dedicated to those who feel like you're atlas holding the world on your shoulders; who knew there is so much fun in ripping a magazine? HAHA!!

Lord, this semester has been a roller-coasterish one in my relationship with you. but you have blessed me beyond all my wildest imaginations! you have sent the right people at the right times to encourage me and stand me back up on my feet. you have opened my eyes to the miracles you have performed everyday. you have opened my ears to hear your words, and my heart to take them in. and for that i thank you!

God, i'd like to pray especially for the coming exams. i pray that you bless us with a peace of mind, that we can sift through what we've learnt and pick out the best answer to each question placed before us. i pray you grant us perseverance and strength to pull through this. i know some of us will be facing tough papers and feel like giving up, and so drag our feet through because we have to complete it. but Lord, i ask that you open our eyes to see our choices - that we can choose to drag ourselves through, or put our backs into it, for the glory of your name, even when it seems as though all is lost.

Lord, forgive us for everything we've done and not done that displeases you. i pray you convict us and again show us the choices we have at each juncture we face temptations.

Lord, renew in us your spirit. let us live to bring you glory! let our passion for you long outlive our days on earth! may you be proud to be our God!
