horros of the tongue cont'd

Dear God,

I thank You for Faethe. And I thank You for not giving me more than I can overcome.

As I look back on that day where I came home upset over my tutor, and the day after I cannot help but write a letter to You to thank You for showing mercy and grace.

The day after was Wednesday. I had three classes to attend and despite the temptation, I did not miss one of them. The first was a two hour lecture with that tutor who ignored me. I thank You, gracious Lord, for a friend, Cady, who accompanied me through the lecture. You know how much I didn't want to be alone, even though it was a lecture and therefore less interaction between lecturer and students. You knew how close I was to tears at the very thought of facing another class with him alone. And so You supplied me her who, though I wasn't close to and usually don't sit next to, sat with me and did not leave me alone. Thank You, gracious One.

The second class immediately followed the first. Cady, being in the same tutorial as I was, walked with me to that class and chose to sit with me, even though the only pair of seats that were available side by side were in the front, and even though her own friends called her to sit by them in the second row. You knew I didn't want to be alone. Thank You, merciful One.

The last class of the day was at 6.30 in the evening. The one before that ended at 2.30. Usually another friend, Oregon, a year one Sociology major, would text me and we'd study together until my 6.30 class. During the first lecture, she messaged me telling me that she couldn't meet me as she had a meeting with friends. I told her it's all right. But at 2.30, she texted me again saying she's free to meet me for our usual study date! Also, at the end of the second class, Cady said her next tutorial was cancelled and she was free to study with me until 4.30! Good God, You surely are my extravagent provider!

At 4.30, both Oregon and Cady left, the former to the meeting that was shifted back, and the latter to her last lecture of the day. I moved to a quiet and shady spot to continue studying alone. You sent a girl from Campus Crusade for Christ to come and talk with me and gave me a magazine about You to read. While we talked, You stirred up the wind and rained dried bougainvilleas onto us! Creative Lord, that was magnificent and simply wonderful. I am in awe of how much You love me.

At 5.30, Oregon came back and we had dinner together, talking animatedly.

She walked me to my last lesson of the day. There, my Strength, You turned my teacher to look upon me in favor and kindness. Thank You, powerful One.

At 8, when my day was over, You called a boy, Rhett, whom I knew close to nothing about, to offer me a ride home. You surely are an extravant Comforter and Lover, my Lord. Thank You very much. Very much.

You are most wonderful and forgiving. A marvelous teacher. I have learned my lesson and have learnt it well. I pray the next hard rap on the knuckles from You will not come in a long time. But I thank You for this round. And I thank You for showing me I was wrong. Rock of my salvation, may I not be moved in my love and want for You and Your favor. Thank You for a day filled with love, wondrous love.

I stand in awe of You. No, I kneel in awe of You. Palms to the ground, lips kissing the ground and with my sandals off, I praise You.

