thank you Lord

it's monday!!..the 3rd day since i've seen any of my tapio-langs..

(those who are wondering, that's the name of my OG for the HSS FOC 2006)

already i've missed u guys loads la..hahas..i noe i've been abit of a hassle..having practically zero ability to speak\understand chinese..but twas fun =D

o..ya..wanted to say smthg that u pple probably already know..

gOd takes care of u..he never gives u things that u cant take..u hear pple talking about this all the time..and u know it by heart..but smhow..it nv really hits home base til uve experienced it first hand..and it nv ceases to amaze u everytime it happens..

wel..it happened yet again to me from the 17th - 21st Jul 2006..ask my family + friends and they'll tel u that i was petrified..being utterly alone for 5 days didnt really appeal to me..i've experienced that in MJ..except that that was onli 1 day..cos i pon the last 2 days of orientation =]

i cld onli rely on gOd to make a way for me..and guess wad, He did!!..

my OG was terrific!!..i'm proud to say i've made a number of friends (quite an achievement for anti-social me =D)..and u know wad??..i saw my really-really-long-time-no-see sec school friend, xinhui!!..she's taking Chinese studies..

source of comfort to me all thru the 5 days was my OJ..my daily bread..i woke up early each day to partake my daily bread..and on the second day, we were having war games in the field, i heard a worship song being sung nearby..it made me..i dunno..happy..for some strange reason or other..hah..

pple, remember..our gOd truly is an awesome gOd..he takes care of us real well..and he always watches over us, covering us with grace and mercy..trust him..dont worry too much =D ..some thgs are out of our hands and it wld do us gd to recognise that and to surrender it all to gOd..let Him prove to us that he is indeed great and wonderful =D

our gOd is an awesome gOd
He reigns from heaven above
with wisdom and power and love
our gOd is an awsome gOd

gOd bLEsS
