Live in love, Live in light

yesterday was wonderful..to a certain extent..and i want to share it with all of you =]

i was leading lesson for the sec 3s entitled "Live in love, Live in light", a continuation in Ephesians 5:1-20 of what tobias called "morals".


few sundays back, when a bunch of us went to aldersgate for a children's church workshop thg (few entries back), Andy 哥哥 shared with us a cool website to get ideas for lessons from and submit our own ideas too so others can use them.

i went to check it out and chanced upon an activity called "balloon confessions". i was preparing my lesson (wayy in advance like i like to) and i thought it'd be a splendid idea to use. it required helium balloons. so since i'm supposed to lead with claire, i thought when the time was nearer, i'd run that idea by her and if she agrees, i'll place the order for the balloons since i've no helium gas, like durh!

the kids were to have one helium balloon each. and after writing a sin on one side of the balloon and a prayer to God on the other, they were to release the balloons into the sky as a visual representative of their prayers rising to God like sweet incense.

last week, we had sharing. and few things the kids said made us leaders worry. serious problems like stealing and depression surfaced. not forgetting the not-so-distant past, i realised the balloon activity was really appropriate.

leading lesson was a little troubling for me. because i thought it was conducted and participated by quite superficially. but i know i've no control over that. it can be as fun as possible and as serious as possible. but only God can open and touch their hearts. i have no control and power in that. so it's the peace and serenity to realise and understand that God is in control over things i have no control over.

anyway, led them downstairs for the balloon activity. still a little apprehensive that this wont be taken seriously.

i gave each of them kids and the leaders a helium-filled balloon and a permanent marker.

instead of just a sin, i told them to write something(s) that they do in their lives that they know in their hearts are wrong. this is different than just knowing in their minds because knowing in their minds just meant "oh, ~ said it's wrong. so it's wrong". knowing in their hearts means knowing they are wrong and sincerely want to change because they dont want to be that way any longer. if they were not ready nor willing to change, they were not to write it down on the balloon.

on the other side, they wrote a prayer to God. about wanting to change, giving it all to Him and thanking Him for anything they wanted to thank Him for.

as they sat, pens noisily squeaking against the latex balloons, faces bearing thoughtful expressions, each concentrating on their own words to God, my eyes teared a little because i knew then that God WAS in control of this lesson. indeed He was. it was Him that touches hearts. Him that talks through us. Him that changes us. and i was so glad to know i was in the palm of His will.

i'm so happy i knew i carried out my purpose for that one sunday.

and i know God is pleased with me. what more could i ask, seek or hope for?

then, when all the squeaking stopped, i led them out onto the track and led them in a verbal prayer to God.

11 ballons (poor joshua's burst before he could release it, but he didnt want another one), each a different colour, rose into the sky.

all of us watched them as they rose higher and higher. think we were all captivated by the sight. there's something about watching balloons rise into the sky. there's also something about watching balloons, with our written prayers, rise into the sky.

after that, a few of the kids and hitomi told me they somehow felt better.

i'm glad.

as they watched the balloons rise, i walked alone into the shade (cos i thought the heat made joshua's burst and since i was holding onto 4 more extra balloons, i thought i'd better not risk any chances). and as i walked, God let me see His work. it was like Him saying "see! behold, little girl! my plan for this lesson is fulfilled! see how I did it! I am glad you followed through, well done, I am pleased."

(forgive me, emay)
i thank God for

- the way He works.

- His marvelous timing to take me to the children's church workshop, and make me pay attention to remember the website address.

- His terrific planning to make me write my name beside the "Live in love, Live in light" chapter when we were allocating who's to lead which lesson. and to make me see the "balloon confessions" idea on the rather disorganised website.

- His perfectly-timed intervention to help me see the link between the activity and the lesson. and to talk to puiki to affirm that it's a good idea to use for the lesson and in view of the kids' previous confession of not-so-good deeds. the weather was so brilliantly sunny -- perfect for the activity.

- Him being who He simply is -- a forgiving, loving, faithful and gracious God. my prayer life is more vibrant than it ever was and i've two known people to thank for that, and possibly even more that i dont know of, those who've kept me in prayer.

- good relationships with some of the students. so far so good. and even great with some! i thank God for joanna. she came to lesson on sunday after a really long hiatus. she told me the reason why she came, and i was really flattered and nervous after hearing that.

i pray for

- everyone in F.I.S.H. you are all in my prayers, believe me. i'm not close to most of you, but i know you throught your prayer requests. and i want to tell you that i'm giving thanks and praying for each and everyone of you.

- the kids in GoFish. that they will grow up to be strong and ready warriors for God. that God will touch each one of them each week and bring us all closer together under His wing.

- the leaders of GoFish. that the Spirit of our Holy God will be in us, upon us and around us. we will speak to each other and to our kids in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and words of encouragement. that His Glory will shine forth from our faces, and that we bring Him more and more glory with each step we take in everything we do.

Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge, Him and He will make your paths straight.
~Proverbs 3:5,6