a terribly shallow peek into God's miracles in my life

5 Subjects for sem 2 year 1.
5 B+s for sem 2 year 1.

this is worse than semester 1, but as some of you, sizzlers, out there would recall we agreed that this sem's subjects are wayy tougher and denser than last and that we were aiming for straight Bs *nudge*


it did pull my GPA down, but at least i'm still in the 2nd upper honors range =]
and though i didnt see myself thru the revision plans, God saw me thru the exams. a miracle for the undeserving.
what more could i possibly ask for?

i want to tell you sizzlers smthg:

whatever you pray for will be answered. sometimes with a resounding "yes" frm God. sometimes with a "hold yer horses, sweetie, the sky aint comin' down jus yet". sometimes with a firm "no."

i've been praying a lot lately, and i'm proud to say that my relationship with God is goin' goooood =D

but there are a few thgs that have been mainstays in my prayers.

one. i pray that God will teach me to pray like Jesus
two. i pray that God will mould me and make me into a woman after His own heart. kinda like David, but minus the adultery bit.
three. i pray that i will learn to be encouraging to others. building and speaking to them in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.
four. i pray that God will use me and speak through me to others such that when they see me, they arent seeing me; they're seeing God. when they hear me, they arent hearing me; they're hearing God. (this might come across wrongly; that i'm claiming to be God, which is SO not what i mean)

and guess what?

one. i am learning each day to pray like the Master to the Master
two. God is pointing out \ exposing my not-so good points or 我有欠缺或不够完善的方面 for me to learn and change. trust me, i dont like what i'm learning or seeing abt myself. i almost lost it and got all bitter the first time he started showing me! but, thank God, He spoke to me and told me what He was doing. and i understand and am doing my part - learn and change, for the better, of course. God's better.
three. people notice. and i notice too. because some things that come out of my mouth, and fingers (think email and msn) cannot have come from me. and i thank God for the honor and priviledge *bows*
four. input -> output. dont believe it? try it. anyone can be so nice as to get me the book "A Young Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George? i've finished one round with her "A Young Woman's Call to Prayer". i'm reading more and more of the Bible. or rather re-re-re-reading parts of it. and i'm commiting them to memory =]

you know what?

God is happy.

and when God is happy, God's people rejoice and par-tay like there's no tomorrow =D
