One Thing

Some time ago, Hansel was sharing his dg's blog with me. Though the last post dated March 12 2007, I still browsed through (the bits that I found interesting at least). One particular post caught my eye.

You know how my Bible hero is David? King David, the one from whose line Jesus the Christ was descended? The one known by the generations as the man after God's own heart?

His story, perhaps most of us are familiar with. But a statement this post published especially struck me:

David's heart was preoccupied with only one thing even while his hands were busy with many things such as running the kingdom and being the head of the national worship team.

Perhaps it is the simplicity of the sentence that draws me, or maybe it is the amazing-ness that attracts me. Or that God is speaking to me.

Whatever it is, I've been praying that I too will learn, in the process of becoming a woman after God's own heart, to be preoccupied, to be obssessed with only one thing even while my hands are busy.

To be so taken by only one thing - God.

I want to encourage you all to pray for such an attitude. That though there be many things to do, many things that jostle for our attention, we keep our hearts solely for our First Love. We dwell only on the Almighty. We reserve our undivided attention for One who longs for it - God.