what's in a song?


i was glad that Pastor William Sam spoke on music (in particular those with lyrics) last sunday, 30092007. though i'm not quite so sure i agree with him entirely on each and every point he made. in essence, i believe that when we listen to music, when we start head-banging along with it, when we begin to hum the tune and add in snitchets of lyrics we actually remembered of the song, it's time to pay attention to the lyrics and their message.

what are you singing?
ever asked yourself that question? what are you singing? what are you telling the world that you are listening to? what does it matter what you tell the world?

if your answer to the last question is no, then dont bother reading on.
if your answer to the last question is yes, why?
if you have no answer to the last question, then read on.

what does it matter what you tell the world? what does it matter what the world thinks of you?
the simplest answer would be that you care what the world thinks of you because you care about your image. you care about how others view you because you have a reputation to upkeep, or do you? so what you happily announce to the world you listen to would have everything to do with how you portray yourself - being the cool \ sentimental \ sophisticated \ emotional person you are, right?

how about we shift the focus, eh? hows about what God would think? hows about what others would then see you and others who call yourselves children of God?
instead of putting yourself in the centre of it all, do not extract yourself from that circle the sphere of light, but rather, take a step towards the edge of the circle and invite God into the centre. you claim you belong to the Pure One. you claim Him as your Lord and Savior. what does that all mean? does it mean that the moment you accept Him, you can live your life any way you please because you know that He has already forgiven all your sins and transgressions, and you're headed to heaven anyways? think about that. personally, i'd say no. there are references in the bible that speaks regarding possessing a "license to sin". also, i'd appeal to your "good nature" assuming of course that we all possess a "soft side". when you accept the Lord as your God, is it purely intellectual, or are there some elements of emotion involved? i'm a rather emotional being, yes, i'm not afraid nor embarrassed to admit that. i practically live and move on emotion. so to me, when i accepted Christ, i do it because i believe in my heart and in my mind that He is God. and i am overcome with gratitude and want to please my Lord. work out your faith, o people of God! work it out! what is your faith based on? what does it mean?

do you not realise that everything you hear in sermons, everything you learn in quality time with God, everything you gain from bible studies is built upon your faith? do you not see that if you dont work out your faith, it will all be in vain? what's the point in everything? you will only begin to see when you work it all out. you will only begin to see when you (to borrow a phrase from a friend of mine) "decide to do serious business with God".

people of the Highest, do you not realise that when you become christians, even before you became christians, the world is watching? the world is watching your actions, which are a manifestation of your thoughts! think before you act! it matters what others see in you and of you because it affects their decisions and reactions towards you and others who share your faith! did you know that many look on christians as hypocrites? do you not know what a hypocrite is? do you practise what you preach? do you practise what you listen to on saturdays or sundays in sermons? or why do you go to church on sundays?

dear ones, do you not realise too that younger christians are watching you. some of you are admired in your churches, some hold positions in a church. in any case, there are people who look up to you, whether you realise it or not, he\she may be a neighbour in your block, or mebe even a "student" in your bible study group. ever thought that their salvation may be affected by your actions? are you building each other up in Christ, or are you pulling one another down?

"let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance"
~ Proverbs 1:5

ever heard the phrase "garbage in, garbage out"?
listen to the lyrics. wait, dont just listen, listen, comprehend what the lyrics are about. are they something that you would mind being caught dead singing? or are they edifying (here i mean, do they embody a message that would bring benefit and good to those who hear)? what's wrong singing about having sex (e.g. "sexyback", "buttons"..)? what's wrong singing about say "God must hate me"? what's wrong? is it wrong in the first place?

be careful what you listen to. know and understand what you are listening to. do not, please, do not listen simply because everyone's listening to it, just because the tune is catchy, just because.

you say "nah, she's thinking too much. she's rationalising this too much." no, i tell you, when people are alone, when they are quiet, they think. they evaluate. or at least i do. perhaps you will say this is an assumption with no truth. do you know that God is watching? you are being watched. you are being observed. what message are you sending to others? would God be pleased with this child of his behaving in this manner? is He beaming down at you, or is He shaking His head in sadness?

evaluate yourselves.

you no longer are children, not knowing anything. you are growing, you are beginning to think. or are you?

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you."

~ 1 Thess 5:11, 21-22, 23-24, 28
