FaithLead -- primary min (?)

seems to have quite abit of leaders thgs going on these days..so far 1 informal (i think even impromtu) meeting of TTB leaders, 1 3-day Batam conference, and ytd's FaithLead seminar thg..

honestly, i didnt learn (if i was supposed to) much abt leading..cos wad they touched on, i kinda knew already..as in smone else taught it to me before..

but i did learn smthg..

i learnt that we, who have more than one ministry we're involved in, shld prioritise our ministries..

personally, i dont like to choose btwn one ministry and another..

but frm wad happened ytd, i think we shld..

when we had to split into our respective ministries,
2 of my friends were kinda torn..both were my small-grp leaders, and both were also involved in children's ministry..

what resulted was a small "fight" btwn the leaders of the 2 ministries over where they shld go..

wasnt pleasant for them, i know..

MeiHuan spoke to me at dinner..she wanted to know which ministry was my priority, my primary ministry..

(i'm involved in children's ministry, and the TTB(Youth) ..if u wanna split it down smmore, i'm also in teaching ministry and missions in the TTB)

i had no idea..and i still dont..

need to ask gOd to show me which He'd want me to brand as "primary"..

pray for me, please..

gOd bLEsS
