A Snoodle's Tale -- lesson in self-worth

Mahlzeit !!

jus watched finish "A Snoodle's Tale" by my favourite VeggieTales..

it's a very touching tale told in rhyme, bearing the very charm of children's poems..

here's the lil smthg i managed to remember :

welcome to Snoodleburg, home of the Snoodles !
a curious folk who eat pancakes with noodles !
and spend half their days making sketches and doodles,
and cutting their hair in shapes like French poodles !

now, right in the heart of this curious town,
is a curious building, the tallest around !
with a clock at its top and a chute at its bottom,
it’s pink in the spring, turns red in the autumn !

every fourth Tuesday, at quarter past nine,
the tower would shimmy and wiggle and whine !
and as the town nibbles on bickleback fruit,
a shiny young snoodle would drop from the chute !

that’s where they come from, though noone knows why.
nor who could have built the great tower so high ?
these mysteries of life would fuddle most snoodles
who’d much rather focus on pancakes and noodles !
and cutting their hair in shapes like French poodles !

yes, most found the tower too noisy too strange,
until one small snoodle made all of that change ...

the blurb at the back of the dvd says "In tradition of the VeggieTales classic Flibber-o-loo, Bob the Tomato tells the touching story of Snoodle Doo, a lovable little character who learns that the way others see him doesn't matter at all, because God sees how special and beautiful each of us is and that's just how we should see ourselves! "

it's the story of when the creation (Snoodle Doo) climbs up the mountain and meets, unexpectedly, his creator..after being weighed down by snubs and sniggers by others, he finds fresh perspective of himself seen thru the loving and kind eyes of his maker..

wonderfully sweet, yet true story

go watch!!

gOd bLEsS



- brybryy said...

omigosh..VEGGIE TALES!!! can still vaguely rmb the cheeseburger song.. wahahahahaha