guess wad?
i met gOd on monday (04092006) at arnd 8.35 pm..that's montag, der vierten september zweitausendsechs, zwanzig funfunddreiszig uhr..
i was at the prayer+sharing+admin stuff meeting in prep for this fri-sun YMLC (that's the Young Methodist Leaders Conference for u).. twas supposed to start at 7.30 pm but cos my German Class finishes at 7.30, i missed the first 30+ mins of it.. reached jus in time for the sharing on wad we each expect frm the conference..
then we had individual prayer..where we talk with gOd and come up with sm "goals" \ "aims" we agree shld be met in the conference..we cld go wherever we wanted in the worship hall to talk with gOd..
i chose to kneel at the alter..jus in front of the metallic, i didnt do it for show..i felt i needed to go turn my back on wad's happened in the past, and look to the future..and i see my future in gOd..
u know wad?..gOd decided it was time to open my eyes.. in the recent past, i think i cld say my eyes were sealed shut..but smhow, i was not deaf..i cld hear in i cld hear thgs he meant for me to hear..know that His will is carried out..gOd was able to use blind me to help others open their eyes..but i cldnt see.. anyways, gOd decided it was time..
this is gonna sound cliche..but jus so u know (for those who dont) i have a very imaginative can scare me silly and it can also be used by gOd..i like looking at an empty chair, up to the sky, at the cross, beside me, out the window when i talk to gOd..when i looked up to the cross, my mind saw a picture of Jesus hanging there looking down at me and smiling, despite all the pain he was suffering there..
i jus knew gOd was listening to me..ME!!..the ex-blind person who was worth nthg in the world's eyes..
He made me feel so special..gOd was listening to ME!! (sorry..still cant get over it) it's like..he's reminding me that he sees me as a clean pure kid..His kid to be precise..that he took evry shadow of sin frm me..and He's happy that i finally am brought back to him..
~ *happy* ~
thank you gOd for meeting me..thank you for seeing me as a precious kid..even though i still am not sure why u want me..but i'm pretty certain ure gonna use me in a glorious way..thank you for taking my sins with you on the cross..thank you for wiping my slate clean..thank you for sparing my hearing when i was blind..thank you for you =]
He's able
He's able
i know He's able
i know my gOd is able to carry me thru
He heals the broken hearted
and sets the captives free
He makes the lame to walk again
o yes!!
He's able
He's able
i know He's able
i know my gOd is able to carry me thru
thank you for accepting me, Lord!!
gOd bLEsS
yay i'm glad for you (: haha anyway by the time you see this you'll be back from batam...if you want to study on monday i'm free! (: then can catch up.
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