Daniel Ng's James 1:2-12

I was just wondering, is there such a thing as you know something is wrong but u cant quite put your finger on it. No matter how much u prod and poke arnd inside your own brain and heart, u can’t find the root problem. Is there such a thing? Perhaps then we aren’t searching deep enough or we are too blind to see or we don’t want to see the truth because we know we won’t like it. Hmmm.

Anyway, I did Daniel Ng’s study on James 1:2-12 with God and I think it’s a really good one. At the end, I still see the problems in my life, I foresee more problems to come, and I know I will struggle. But I am comforted to know that God is with me. I don’t know how I’m going to react when I actually face the future problems, I cannot predict that well, but at least now, I know where exactly in the bible I can find help and encouragement and comfort =]

Here’s a really short summary which does Daniel Ng’s study no justice, but it’s a sort-of teaser =P :

1. KNOW that troubles are inevitable and purposeful (v2-4)
Both James and Paul (Ro 5:3-5) say we should adopt an attitude of pure joy because we know that troubles are inevitable (just because we are Christians doesn’t mean we have a lifetime of bliss: we suffer just like everyone else) and purposeful (pain is an extremely effective teacher to grow us. It engraves on our hearts and etches on our minds what God wants to impress on our life - so that we will never forget).
We need to see our troubles from God's perspective. Knowing that troubles and trials have a purpose we need to cultivate certain attitudes.

2. Cultivate an attitude of JOY (v2)
Joy is the deep contentment and peace that comes from knowing God is in control of every area of our lives.
And because we trust that God is always in control we can believe that whatever hurts, pain, struggles and crises in our lives are being used to help us grow. We can have an attitude of peace and contentment because we know that when He has tested us we shall come forth as gold - pure gold.
But sometimes, it is difficult to see the purpose of our troubles. Then, we need to cultivate another attribute.
3. Cultivate a heart of WISDOM (v5)
The mature person is a wise person. A wise person is a person who asks God and depends on Him. And wisdom is what God will provide.
Wisdom is the skill of living successfully in the midst of pressures and pain. It is the truth acted upon that results in godly behaviour in the midst of pressurizing and trying times.
It is in trying times that we need wisdom to make decisions. It is in emotionally confusing times that we need wisdom from God.
And we have a generous God. He longs to gives us the skill and power to make difficult choices in difficult circumstances. James says just simply ask in faith.

4. Cultivate an attitude of SUBMISSION (v6-8)
When we ask God for wisdom to make the right choices or decisions in difficult circumstances; are we willing to follow through when He reveals His will? Faith here means coming to God and say: "Thy will be done".
Faith here means to trust God without reservations – that His will is perfect and good for us.
5. Cultivate a clear perspective – an ETERNAL one (v9-11)
We live in a world that places a lot of emphasis on material possessions and paper qualifications. That preaches happiness resides in how much tangible stuff you own. But James tells us in verses 9 to 11 that these things do not last. When God turns up the heat everything will be destroyed and fade away.
Maturity enables us to focus on the long term. Pain and suffering enable us to see how transient or temporal this world is. Spiritual maturity and wisdom comes through trials and enables us to focus on the unseen and the eternal.
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far out weighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporal but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Cor.4:17-18)

6. The REWARD \ RESULT of enduring trials (v12)

This is the joy or the true happiness that comes because we have been approved of God. He has tested us and we have been found faithful.

When you wake up in the morning; take a good long look into the mirror: are you happy with the kind of person you are? Are you maturing and growing into the person God wants you to be?

Truly happy and joyful is the man or woman who can say an affirmative YES!!


gOd bLEsS



yp said...

yeah have.. thats why we have to ask for wisdom..

YAY you read it, happy! :)

emyegeeayen said...

haha =D

yepyep i did, alright!

Anonymous said...

Hi emyeeayen

I bump into your blog while surfing the net. I am curious about who are you and how did you obtain the material on James 1:2-12?

Daniel Ng :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I may not be able to come back to your blog again and hope to hear from you. My email: danngth2004@yahoo.com

Dnaiel Ng :)