roses & the gospel

on impulse, i decided to get my family a lil smthg for, oh, no reason whatsoever.

we are like this. God made us beautiful. but we do things that displeases God and we also dont do things that pleases Him. the beauty and perfection of what He created in the beginning was marred.

but then, God loved us so much that He wanted to give us, all of us, not just the jews, a second chance. He wanted us to see how much He loved us, how much He wanted us reconciled with Him once more, that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to take all our uglyness, all the things we did, do & will do that displeases Him upon Himself. Jesus took the weight of all that with Him as He died on the cross for us.

through God's gift of Jesus, we are able to go back to Him, slate wiped clean, all decked out in our Sunday best, beautiful, sweet-smelling and perfect.

that's why we love Him.

*this is the ,,final product'' of my gift to them. lil tags with their name on one side and a short verse from the bible that i think will speak to them.*

gOd bLesS
