evermore -- Planetshakers

i will sing
of the mercy of the Lord
and i will shout
of Your faithfulness o God

for there is none like You
seated in Your majesty
Holy One i come
to worship You forevermore

You are my God my life my all
and i live for You alone
i am Yours evermore
heaven and earth will shout Your praise
the wonder of Your name
i'll proclaim evermore



and i will run
into Your presence
and i will sing
sing forever

God is God.

i still find that so awesome.

sometimes, we take God to be our friend. that's not wrong.
sometimes, we take God to be our comforter. that's not wrong.
sometimes, we take God to be our Father. that's not wrong.
sometimes, we take God to be our confidant. that's not wrong.
sometimes, we take God to be our Savior. that's not wrong.

But, sometimes, we forget that God is God.

only God's will matters. only God's opinion matters.

He can think it and we'll be dead as doormice. He can reach down and bowl us over as easy as flicking an ant. He can crush us like toothpicks.

but he doesnt.

He chose to think about us - our well-being, our everyday lives, our souls. He chose to reach down and hold our hands, envelope us in His protective arms, pick us up when we fall down. He chose to grow us like plants, nurture us to bear fruit.

He could kill us and it still wont matter because He is God and He can rebuild it all, but He didnt. He chose not to.

that's my version of Fearing the Lord. to know He can smite us but chose not to.
when Eric asked us that once, this thought was running thru my mind, but as usual, i chose to shut-up.

(i tell you, one day my decision to shut up will cost me dearly, but i hope that day is still far off, whatever far off means.)

still pretty much in awe that God (God, okay?!) actually wants to have a relationship with us (us! the pitiful bunch of silly critters!).

seriously standing in awe (literally mouth open standing stupefied, mystified)