This activity takes about an hour to complete.
It isn’t a brand new idea, but a salad of other ideas that I found really good. Thanks to those whose ideas I’ve incorporated =]
I asked God for an idea of what He wanted for the prayer session Yipeng had in mind for lesson time on sunday.
And He pointed me towards 2 ideas - "musical prayers" and (another which I'd forgotten the name of).
Out of both and another I found sometime back, a hybrid was born.
At first I felt it we couldn't pull this off because of the sheer complexity of it, and all other doubts and what-ifs roamed wild in my mind.
But then I felt God reassuring me, telling me to try it, and that it will work.
So I said okay, and asked Puiki and Daena to pray about it some more.
prayed some more, asking for God's guidance and blessing.
Well, we attempted the whole she-bang.
And from what I gather from the other leaders, and hearing comments from some of the youths, it went swell =]
Praise God and God alone!
Amen! Amen!
This is good especially for groups who have yet to grow a prayer culture \ habit, those who are unaccustomed to praying for a longer period of time in one sitting.
Materials needed:
- candle
- lighter
- aluminium tray
- ball of yarn
- post-it pads (have the same colors as those you've chosen for the paper, so for me, i had pink, green, blue and yellow post-its) (also, have another white pad)
- lecture pad
- 2 pieces of colored paper (I used 4 colors; red, green, blue, yellow)
I used 4 rooms (because I used 4 colors). On the door of each room, I stuck one sheet of each colored paper to let the youths know which room is which color.
Inside each room, I stuck the other sheet of the corresponding color (blue to blue, red to red, etc.).
On the colored papers stuck inside the room, I wrote prayer instructions for the youths.
Divide the youths into groups by giving them each colored (corresponding to the colors you’ve chosen) post-its (so if you have 4 colors, have 4 groups). Get at least one leader to follow each group.
Tell them to go into the room that had their color (blue to blue, etc.) and there they’ll find instructions of what to do in that room. After they’ve finished doing whatever they’re to do in that room, move on to the next (rotating rooms, so each group would have gone through all 4 rooms in the end).
Note that at all times, each room can only hold one group. So if the earlier group has yet to finish, the next group has to wait outside the room.
Tell them that at each room, each and every one of them will talk with God.
(red) “think of one sin that God has been convicting you of. Remember a sin is something you’ve done that displeased God (e.g. lying, disobeying your parents, being disrespectful). Also remember that a sin is also something you didn’t do, and because you didn’t do it, it displeased God (e.g. not being nice to someone who was simply different from you). Write that sin onto the post-it pad.
Now right a prayer to God with regards to that sin on that post-it pad onto the lecture sheet. Ask Him for strength, for courage, and for His blessings..”
When they’re done, the leader lights the candle and asks the youths to burn their post-it (with their written sin on it).
Tell them that they’ve taken a step to getting rid of their sin, to becoming more and more like Christ. But just because they’ve burnt it doesn’t mean it’s gone. And that’s why they’ve still got their written prayers on that lecture sheet. Every time they look at that prayer, they remember that they’ve given that sin to God; they’re no longer slaves to that sin!
(blue) “have one person start by holding onto the ball of yarn. Tell the group one thing you’ve learnt about God from the bible study sessions they’ve had together. After doing so, that person holds onto the end of the yarn before tossing it to another person. They cycle continues until everyone has shared.”
What results is a yarn-web. The leader then explains to them that this is what holds them together as a group – their love for God. The fact that they’re there learning together about God. Fellowship.
Then taking turns, each person prays for the Group for the next year (e.g. we did this activity at the end of 2007, so we prayed for 2008).
(yellow) “read Psalm 8. Think about your life so far, going back as far as you can remember. Now think about a characteristic, a trait, a truth about God that is so evidently displayed in your life. Tell God about that. Thank God for that. Praise God for that.”
Again, taking turns, each person presents his\her own act of adoration, by taking time and thanking and praising God for who He is.
(green) “think about this year (for us it was 2007) that you’ve spent together as a Group. Think about the friendships they’ve made, the lessons they’ve learnt, the time they’ve spent together in each others’ company. Thank God for those memorable times.”
Once more, each person presents his thanks to God.
Idea for a prayer session =] (feel free to use!)
something to say at the start of every day
A Real Christmas
...“Let us at all costs avoid the temptation to make our Christmas worship a withdrawal from the stress and sorrow of life into a realm of unreal beauty. It was into the real world that Christ came, into the city where there was no room for Him, and into a country where Herod, the murderer of innocents, was king.
“He comes to us, not to shield us from the harshness of the world but to give us the courage and strength to bear it; not to snatch us away by some miracle from the conflict of life, but to give us peace—His peace—in our hearts, by which we may be calmly steadfast while the conflict rages, and be able to bring to the torn world the healing that is peace.”...
Christmas is not a retreat from reality but an advance into it alongside the Prince of Peace.
~ David C. McCasland
Christ did not come to shield us from
The grief and pain of life;
But those who have His peace inside
Can thrive within the strife.
~ Sper
Jesus came to give light to a dark world.
(taken from
The Flowers -- Rudyard Kipling
2 Samuel 7:1-29
David sought to honour God, and God rewarded him with promises for his future. David's response was humble, worshipful prayer.
David not only knew about God, he fellowshipped with God. David shows us the value of knowing God better.
What is prayer? What do we mean when we say that we pray? Some teaching on prayer makes it seem too vague, mystical, spiritual, or even too difficult for us simple, busy women (and of course men!). However, prayer is practical.
Others imagine that praying is kneeling with closed eyes and speaking in eloquent phrases. This is perhaps one kind of prayer, but I believe prayer is communication with the One who loves us most, the One who cares for us and cherishes us more than anyone else, the One who always has our best interest in His heart and mind. Prayer is an attitude of worship and thanksgiving. And this can be done in any position - standing, sitting, kneeling, or lying down. It can be done any time of day or night - as the old hymn says, "Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light." We can pray while driving, working, cleaning, playing, waking up to face our day, or when we can't sleep at night. The apostle Paul tells us to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thes 5:17). For me, more often than not, this means that I pray without ceasing my work. I just talk to the Lord as I carry on my responsibilities.
Prayer is a vital part of every person's spiritual experience. We are all aware of how important verbal communication is to any relationship, such as with our spouses, friends, or coworkers. A quick way to destroy a relationship is to avoid talking. Likewise, prayer is simply verbal communication with God. This simple principle was beautifully exemplified by a dear, older friend who passed away recently. He always started his prayers with, "And Lord..." In other words, he was just continuing where he had left off with his last conversation with God.
Prayer is also the way we get to know God. We pray in order to receive a better understanding of God. Prayer is one of the important elements of nourishing our personal relationships with God. I have discovered that the more time I spend in prayer, the better I begin to know God Himself and the more I see things from His perspective. This in turn brings the neede transformation in my disposition and attitude, which gives me more strength and serenity.
Prayer doesn't so often change the outward circumstances or our situations as much as it transforms the way we view those circumstances and situations. Often it is our spirits and attitudes that need changing.
(From A Quiet Knowing by Gigi Graham Tchvidjian)
Do you feel like you communicate with God when you pray?
Or do your prayers merely fulfill an obligation?
~ The Devotional Bible by Max Lucado
how much do you love God?
i personally believe that once you answer that question, all other pieces of the puzzle fall into place. realise, though, answering this question once in your lifetime will not prove accurate because you change. wake up each morning and ask yourself, "How much do i love God?"
am i willing to forgo temptations and enticements of the world to pick up my cross and follow Jesus?
am i humble enough to kneel in His presence and say i am sorry?
you cannot lie in your answer because your actions will betray your true reply.
think about that.
Michael Card -- Things we leave Behind
onslaught of exams
every semester ends in the same big bang way: one moment ure still slaving over your notes, next moment ure jumping 3 feet into the air and heaving sigh after sigh of relief it's all over.
well, my exams making their slow steady way along the sushi conveyor belt towards my booth, where i will have to take them off the belt, remove their plastic covering and tuck in.
141107 - genes 'r 'us
151107 - western film history
221107 - classical social theory
231107 - organisations and organisational change
281107 - sociology of the lifecourse
yea, i've a good five course meal set up and cmg my way.
i'm going to miss this semester: good teachers teaching good stuff.
not to mention my 3 day week..
before starting to really get down and dirty with my notes, though, my family and i, save galen, went to catch the Wiener Sängerknaben at the esplanade =]
it was awesome! it was like watching a choir of golden haired angels singing in heaven..
my fav were O Fortuna, Buchstaben-Polka and Ständchen. but i didnt like Lollipop and Fever; i thought they were stupid.
anyhow, i promise to bring you along next time, GIN NI, okay? then we'll bring binoculars and check out the cute guys on stage esp the conductor =D
so i'm just going to finish up Caroline's work before getting started on revision proper, but before i log off, some smiles..and a prayer=]
this is dedicated to those who feel like you're atlas holding the world on your shoulders; who knew there is so much fun in ripping a magazine? HAHA!!
Lord, this semester has been a roller-coasterish one in my relationship with you. but you have blessed me beyond all my wildest imaginations! you have sent the right people at the right times to encourage me and stand me back up on my feet. you have opened my eyes to the miracles you have performed everyday. you have opened my ears to hear your words, and my heart to take them in. and for that i thank you!
God, i'd like to pray especially for the coming exams. i pray that you bless us with a peace of mind, that we can sift through what we've learnt and pick out the best answer to each question placed before us. i pray you grant us perseverance and strength to pull through this. i know some of us will be facing tough papers and feel like giving up, and so drag our feet through because we have to complete it. but Lord, i ask that you open our eyes to see our choices - that we can choose to drag ourselves through, or put our backs into it, for the glory of your name, even when it seems as though all is lost.
Lord, forgive us for everything we've done and not done that displeases you. i pray you convict us and again show us the choices we have at each juncture we face temptations.
Lord, renew in us your spirit. let us live to bring you glory! let our passion for you long outlive our days on earth! may you be proud to be our God!
Faith and Reason
{ side point : take a look at the latest post on "half-Gospel" at
what d'u think? =] }
i'm thinking a lot about "working out my faith". yes, i'm still caught up in that. i think it's crucial that a Christian does so and i speak from experience. i posted an entry about this issue some time back, if you recall, so this is an add-on.
in the previous post about working out one's faith, i asked that you find out what your faith rests on, and i said that mine was built on Love and Forgiveness.
let's go a little further.
have you ever thought if what you believed in was real (ie. true, not false, authentic, not made up)?
what if there is no God? what if all you're believing is a lie? what if man made religion and not the other way round?
ever had questions like those pop up in your mind?
i think these issues will come up sooner or later (if you're reading this now, perhaps the moment is now, haha!), questioning the truth and authenticity of your faith. by this i do not mean whether or not your religious text, be it the Qu'Ran or the Bible or the sutras, is a collection of fairy tales, myths and legends. what i mean is this:
1. does God exist?
2. is the God we Christians profess to follow hard after the one true living God?
of course such questions will no doubt include the authenticity of the religious text, but those follow after these two basic questions. they are supplements to the answer(s) to those two fundamental questions.
i guess u might say that i'm studying too much into Weber's concepts of "rationality"; my wanting to "rationalise" or to "de-mystify" religion and faith.
but contrary to what he believes, i'd like to hypothesize that "rationalising" a concept will not always lead to disenchantment, arbitrariness and meaninglessness.
particularly in this instance, where i'd like to ask you to venture into "rationalising" your faith, or rather, to set about finding the meaning and the basis of your faith. i believe that if you do so, prayerfully, your faith will be strengthened, you conviction more certain and your love for God increase ten-fold.
i'm not going to post any "answers" in support or in opposition to the question of whether or not God exists and if our God, Yahweh, El Shaddai, Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the one true living God.
i'm going to encourage you to find out by yourself.
the internet is full of information, bookstores are full of books on this, i think it's called apologetics (?)
go find out and satisfy your curiosity and questions.
(!! note both articles on the internet and in books are written by men and women, not God. articles, especially those found on the internet, that is not to say they dont appear in books, can be good and sound, or, misleading and unsound. they may be inspired or not from God. read with a critical mind. sift and test each idea !!)
i've come across a multitude of information, and been to talks on this issue (the existence of God, and the authenticity of the Christian God). to tell the truth, i'm still looking for "evidence" that is so utterly convincing that if i tell you, you will be convicted.
but then perhaps if such evidence existed, there wld be no need of faith..hmmm..
i guess by now, you would have realised i'm not talking about the "faith" part anymore.
the previous post, where i spoke of Love and Forgiveness, is the part largely on "faith".
i'm now talking about "reason". "reason" in the way the world views "reason".
what if a non-Christian asks you, a declared Christian, "how do you know your God is real?"
can you supply sufficient, convincing evidence that leaves no doubt about the realness of your God?
be convinced, children of God, of your faith.
be convinced now because you no longer are infants suckling at your mother's breasts, but are toddlers, children, teenagers, young adults, adults who require solid food.
be convinced. follow hard after God all your mind and heart and soul!
look now, i do not mean that "reason" is far more important than "faith".
"Faith and Reason are like the shoes on your feet; you can go much further with both than with one."
~ Babylon Five
"And without Faith, it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him"
~ Hebrews 11:6
"Reason" is there to support your "Faith".
God did not ask for a blind faith.
in the New Testament, the word "faith" was translated from the Greek "pistis". but here, i would refer you to a much more comprehensive "study". look at the range of meaning that the english language pales in comparison to the greek in revealing the essence of the word. look at each of the meanings. can you say of your faith that it encompasses all?
remember in the end that it is still faith that will decide the future of your relationship with God.
faith and not reason.
remember to pray.
What if His people prayed
(Casting Crowns)
What if the armies of the Lord
Picked up and dusted off their swords
Vowed to set the captives free
And not let Satan have one more
What if the church for heaven's sake
Finally stepped up to the plate
Took and stand upon God's promise
And stormed hell's rusty gates
What if His people prayed
And those who bear His name
Would humbly seek His face
And turn from their own way
And what would happen if we prayed
For those raised up to lead the way
Then maybe kids in school could pray
And unborn children see light of day
What if the life that we pursue
Came from a hunger for the truth
What if the family turned to Jesus
Stopped asking Oprah what to do
What if His people prayed
And those who bear His name
Would humbly seek His face
And turn from their own way
He said that they would hear
His promise has been made
He’s answered loud and clear, Yeah
If only we would pray
If My people called by My name
If they'll humble themselves and pray
If My people called by My name
If they'll humble themselves and pray
What if His people prayed
And those who bear His name
Would humbly seek His face, Yeah
And turn from their own way
He said that they would hear
His promise has been made
He’s answered loud and clear, Yeah
If only we would pray
What if His people prayed
last saturday's bible study got me thinking..
not so much abt the lesson per se, but smthg else..
i'm happy when pple ask questions. it shows that God's people are thinking, and are growing; yearning for some solids rather than surviving on milk for so long. some make me think real hard and inspire me to go home and do some voluntary homework to find out more and come to my own conclusions.
but the problem is that there is almost an infinite number of questions that can be asked. are we going to ask them all?
i doubt it.
even if we do manage to ask them all, are you going to remember all them answers u get?
i doubt it.
the idea, then, is to ask the "correct" questions. or rather, the questions that matter.
what are the questions that matter?
hmmm..think about that, will you?
what matters most? what yardstick do you whip out to measure the importance of each question that pops into your mind?
personally, those that matter most to me are those pertaining directly to my salvation.
is the answer going to impact my views on my salvation?
is it concerning what we understand of God's character?
thgs like that.
if they do concern my salvation, then yes, it is imperative that i ask.
note, however, that this is not to say one cannot ask questions; any questions that puzzle.
ask if you will, but know what you're going to do with the information that is going to come your way in the form of others' answers. know the significance of the answer(s).
why are you asking in the first place?
questions that arent as important, do the answers matter so much?
but it is not necessary that all must come to the same conclusion else they are believing not in the "Truth"?
know what matters and what doesnt.
18102007 - 20 years on the face of this planet
i would like to thank GOD for blessing me with such WONDERFUL FRIENDS who remember my birthday even though i cant remember theirs =x
seriously, man, how d'u do it? so many dates to remember! mebe i'm just not making the effort, huh =(
i would also like to thank GOD for blessing me with a FAMILY =]
i would to thank PROF FRANCIS LIM, PROF KWOK KIAN WOON & CHEE HAN for coming up with the essay questions!
without them, i wouldnt have pushed myself to read WEBER and essays on his work by OTHER PEOPLE, and so, miss out on sweet sweet goosebump-able revelations i get while reading such wonderful and thought-provoking works.
also, i would miss out on what a brilliant mind WEBER has; i'm starting to like the way he thinks, and admire how he connects seemingly unconnectable dots =]
i would like to give a big hug to A.MAG & ERICA for taking me to tea @ Eclectic Attic =D
new fav haunt! i love how it smells, i love the food and i love all the jazz and knickknacks they have there!
we had high tea (the one with the cakes on plates stacked high on a metal frame), earl gray tea, scones, steak sandwich+chips, blue baby, cranberry juice, long island lemonade.
then we went shopping at spotlight for scrapbook material stuffs =D
my turning-6-in-december counsin insisted on buying me a toy with his own money from his own piggy bank! how sweet can you get?!
he got me a polly pocket water fun set =] we had fun playing with it at night after getting back from sushi tei @ holland V. the four jets of water spewing out frm the purple rock sculpture are lit by different colored lightbulbs~! orange, red, green, blue! so fun~!
AREN has good taste *nods solemnly*
i would like to say a big big big thank you to SANGEE, MAHES, NIKI (my husband..? are we married yet??), DIANNE, RINA & CHOONMIN for singing the happy birthday song to me on tuesday after lect =] haha! u sizzlers seem to like singing that song to me in lecture theatres..hmmm..
and thank you ALL WHO MSGED ME to wish me happy birthday! too many to name =x most notably, ying! i missed you loads, lady =( sigh..
dear God,
i pray that you draw me close to You, never letting me go as You have done. i pray that You not give up on me. i also pray that i seek Your will for my life, and i pray You reveal it in Your time. i pray that You give me courage and boldness to follow Your will if my will is not what You will. Lord, thank You for friends who make me feel loved and not alienated, even when at times i do feel so. thank You for reminders time and time again that i am not alone. thank You most of all for Your good timing - making me meet people at the most..brilliant..moments of my life to encourage me, to bring me me the conviction and strength to go for events that i otherwise wouldnt have gone because of my feelings then..thank You.
my dates for the rest of the year
megan's taking a break from racking her brains writing an essay due tuesday next. so out of the goodness of her heart *yea right!* she thought she'd share where she gets her inspiration and input from, and also, *blush* to announce to the world her new found love :
(also to show off *shameless!* her studiousness)
Max Weber : An Intellectual Portrait
The Phenomenology of the Social World
What is Cinema?
how much do you love God?
i know what ure thinking: ure thinking romantic relationships. and why not? society seems to place much emphasis on being attached to someone else. and since we're all a part of society, it's only "natural" for us to be caught up on that lil detail, yea?
many of us know how the ancient Greeks defined "love". essentially, the three bigger spheres are:
one. eros
two. philia
three. agape
and if we know that, we'd know what they each mean:
one. eros is romantic love
two. philia is brotherly love
three. agape is Godly love
but do u know the distinction between the three?
one. eros is used to refer to love in the form of a passionate, intense desire for something, and is often referred to as a sexual desire
two. philia does not contain the element of romantic love. it entails a fondness and appreciation of the other. for the Greeks, the term Philia incorporated not just friendship, but also loyalties to family and polis - one's political community, job, or discipline
three. agape is unconditional love. it is love for someone without expecting love in return. as lovers of God, we understand this to be God's unconditional love for us - to be loved when we were yet sinners
agape love is often cited to be the christian's aim. personally, i dont think we can ever achieve it simply because we cannot separate interest from feelings. when we "love" someone, we tend to want something in return - from simply acknowledgement of the knowledge of our feelings towards that person by that person, to wanting the feeling reciprocated by that person. but that's just my opinion. but i do agree this is a "noble" aim, and i do believe since it's part of God's character, and we shld be following God's examples and exhibiting a Godly character, yes, we should strive to attain this.
if evryone seems to identify agape as the "unconditional love", then philia and eros should be "conditional love". if agape is "unselfish love", then philia and eros are "selfish love". which means we want smthg in return, we have vested interest.
but the difference between eros and philia, as stated above, is that eros contains the element of romance, often linked with desires of the sexual kind, while philia does not.
when we "fall in love", what do we mean?
for that, i leave it to your discretion - whether or not you wish to "disenchant" yourselves, and "de-mystify" "love". whether or not you wish to go research on this topic.
i havent really the time to do so right now, so i, myself, am not "qualified" to speak of "love" in the sociological nor psychological manner.
do note that this is one of the thgs whereby one you've learned them, you cannot un-learn it; you will have to live with that knowledge.
(random question: what is the goal of "dating"?)
i'd like to note in particular what the Bible says about romantic relationships.
* there is no compulsory prerequisite to salvation that states one must share a romantic link with another.
Bible says that partners have to be christian. some of you may go "phew! mine goes to church!"
(ahem) going to church does not equate to being a christian. saying the "sinner's prayer" does not equate to being a christian. doing good deeds does not equate to being a christian. having been baptised does not equate to being a christian. a christian is one who is "born again", one who loves God with his\her whole heart and has given his\her life to pursuing and loving God. outward physical actions does not equate to what is in the heart, but what is in the heart is usually manifested in an outward action. in short: you cannot judge a person's motive(s) from that person's actions that you observe. so how do you know? time.
what's wrong with taking a non-christian partner? many quote
"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?"
~ 2 Corinthians 6:14
but hear this other one from the Old Testament
"Nor shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to their son, nor take their daughter for your son. For they will turn your sons away from following Me, to serve other gods; so the anger of the LORD will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly."
~ Deuteronomy 7:3-4
do you not see the storm that gathers over this path? do you not see the danger signs that guard this road? or has "love" blinded you so, that the real world appears like the matrix? do not compromise your faith. do not underestimate the power of sin, man and the devil. do not overestimate the size of your faith.
what if we've already "fallen" for someone, and that person is not a christian?
what if we're struggling inside because of that - torn between what God instructs and our own desires?
what if we dont want to hear God's bidding(s) anymore, not on this subject or anything else, for fear of knowing that what God wants is different than what we want?
"Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?"
Jesus said unto him, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
~ Matthew 22:36-40
all i can say is this: how much do you love God?
are you willing to cut the line and be aimlessly afloat in the sea?
how much do you love God?
it's not easy. nothing in this world is ever easy. God never said it would be a piece of cake.
how much do you love God?
what's in a song?
i was glad that Pastor William Sam spoke on music (in particular those with lyrics) last sunday, 30092007. though i'm not quite so sure i agree with him entirely on each and every point he made. in essence, i believe that when we listen to music, when we start head-banging along with it, when we begin to hum the tune and add in snitchets of lyrics we actually remembered of the song, it's time to pay attention to the lyrics and their message.
what are you singing?
ever asked yourself that question? what are you singing? what are you telling the world that you are listening to? what does it matter what you tell the world?
if your answer to the last question is no, then dont bother reading on.
if your answer to the last question is yes, why?
if you have no answer to the last question, then read on.
what does it matter what you tell the world? what does it matter what the world thinks of you?
the simplest answer would be that you care what the world thinks of you because you care about your image. you care about how others view you because you have a reputation to upkeep, or do you? so what you happily announce to the world you listen to would have everything to do with how you portray yourself - being the cool \ sentimental \ sophisticated \ emotional person you are, right?
how about we shift the focus, eh? hows about what God would think? hows about what others would then see you and others who call yourselves children of God?
instead of putting yourself in the centre of it all, do not extract yourself from that circle the sphere of light, but rather, take a step towards the edge of the circle and invite God into the centre. you claim you belong to the Pure One. you claim Him as your Lord and Savior. what does that all mean? does it mean that the moment you accept Him, you can live your life any way you please because you know that He has already forgiven all your sins and transgressions, and you're headed to heaven anyways? think about that. personally, i'd say no. there are references in the bible that speaks regarding possessing a "license to sin". also, i'd appeal to your "good nature" assuming of course that we all possess a "soft side". when you accept the Lord as your God, is it purely intellectual, or are there some elements of emotion involved? i'm a rather emotional being, yes, i'm not afraid nor embarrassed to admit that. i practically live and move on emotion. so to me, when i accepted Christ, i do it because i believe in my heart and in my mind that He is God. and i am overcome with gratitude and want to please my Lord. work out your faith, o people of God! work it out! what is your faith based on? what does it mean?
do you not realise that everything you hear in sermons, everything you learn in quality time with God, everything you gain from bible studies is built upon your faith? do you not see that if you dont work out your faith, it will all be in vain? what's the point in everything? you will only begin to see when you work it all out. you will only begin to see when you (to borrow a phrase from a friend of mine) "decide to do serious business with God".
people of the Highest, do you not realise that when you become christians, even before you became christians, the world is watching? the world is watching your actions, which are a manifestation of your thoughts! think before you act! it matters what others see in you and of you because it affects their decisions and reactions towards you and others who share your faith! did you know that many look on christians as hypocrites? do you not know what a hypocrite is? do you practise what you preach? do you practise what you listen to on saturdays or sundays in sermons? or why do you go to church on sundays?
dear ones, do you not realise too that younger christians are watching you. some of you are admired in your churches, some hold positions in a church. in any case, there are people who look up to you, whether you realise it or not, he\she may be a neighbour in your block, or mebe even a "student" in your bible study group. ever thought that their salvation may be affected by your actions? are you building each other up in Christ, or are you pulling one another down?
"let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance"
~ Proverbs 1:5
ever heard the phrase "garbage in, garbage out"?
listen to the lyrics. wait, dont just listen, listen, comprehend what the lyrics are about. are they something that you would mind being caught dead singing? or are they edifying (here i mean, do they embody a message that would bring benefit and good to those who hear)? what's wrong singing about having sex (e.g. "sexyback", "buttons"..)? what's wrong singing about say "God must hate me"? what's wrong? is it wrong in the first place?
be careful what you listen to. know and understand what you are listening to. do not, please, do not listen simply because everyone's listening to it, just because the tune is catchy, just because.
you say "nah, she's thinking too much. she's rationalising this too much." no, i tell you, when people are alone, when they are quiet, they think. they evaluate. or at least i do. perhaps you will say this is an assumption with no truth. do you know that God is watching? you are being watched. you are being observed. what message are you sending to others? would God be pleased with this child of his behaving in this manner? is He beaming down at you, or is He shaking His head in sadness?
evaluate yourselves.
you no longer are children, not knowing anything. you are growing, you are beginning to think. or are you?
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you."
~ 1 Thess 5:11, 21-22, 23-24, 28
equipped with Unlimited Power
Young Methodist Leaders Conference 070907~090907 - Holiday Inn, Batam - Unlimited Power
before we left for the conference in Batam, we from Faith were told to again (same as last year) write down our objectives for the conference. and from experience, what we wrote were always answered. so this is serious, man. pray and seek God before you write down what you intend to write.
i wrote three things:
one. for proof once again that my God exists. been feeling dry and overcome with sadness. too much of an emotional roller coaster for my liking =(
two. to be taught how to bridge my studies (sociology) and my faith. sociology probes into practically every sphere of life, and my faith pervades every nook and cranny of my life. i need to find out how to do both. because i believe God led me to do sociology. and i believe it was not meant to make me lose faith.
three. for strength to carry what i'll learn in the conference across the sea back to singapore. for strength to never forget what i'll learn there.
in other words, the main aim for me was to be encouraged and (God willing) be encouraging to others as well.
want to know something?
God answered all my prayers.
Yu is a friend of mine. granted we are not close, but we are still friends. well, more like acquaintences. we happened to be in the same mentor group (we were divided into groups at the conference, for discussions, and to get to know others from other methodist churches in singapore).
now we were all given a little blue card on the first day, and on them, we each had a verse and a short message. you see, we were each prayed for by name before the conference and the person who prayed for us wrote a passage and a short message that he\she felt God wanted us to remember, or to speak to us with. Yu felt that her message was very confrontational. and wondered if it meant that she was not following God's plan and purpose thus far. so she prayed about it, but heard nothing from God. Yu started feeling upset and uncertain. all this she shared with me over dinner on the first night.
around 5.30 am the next morning, when i was spending quality time with God on the balcony of my room, God spoke to me. He told me that the message in Yu's card was not of the past, but of the future. that something might happen and He wanted her to know which course of action to take. to remind her. that i can understand. but then, God went on to say that He also wanted me to tell her that He loved her. now that was kinda mind-boggling. where's the connection? i dont see one. so i was kinda bewildered.
anyhow, during lunch when we were seated in our mentor groups, Yu sat beside me. as i ate, i was wondering if i should tell her now what God said. but as usual, i was hesitant. so i said to God, "God, if You really want me to tell her now, let her talk to me first." straight after that, (i didnt even get to say "amen"!) Yu turned to me and asked me a question (something about the food, i think). man~! so i asked her how she felt now. to which she replied that now she felt worthless, having not heard from God. she felt like God didnt love her and stuff. you can imagine how i felt~! in my mind, i was like "God, You are brilliant, You know that?!" so i told her. i told her that He said the message mightn't be referring to the past, but a future decision that she would have to make. and the God loved her. you should have seen her face! relief and happiness just made her..glow!
on the 2nd night, Rev. Edmund De Souza asked us to stack the chairs against the walls and stand. then He asked us to pray. boy, you should have been there. no words can accurately describe. God was there. He was SO there. as we stood to pray (being prayed for individually by mentors and pastors, and friends, and praying on our own, and praying for others), i felt myself swaying, i think i was tired. i dont know, but i prayed to God that He wont make me fall (you know, when the Spirit comes upon people, some may fall - "slain by the Spirit", some may cry uncontrollably, some laugh, some speak in tongues..). i just refused to fall. God reminded me that though i'm praying on my own, noone praying for me and noone behind me to catch me if i fall, if i fall, i will not be harmed. being the person that i am, i still refused to fall and let go. so He said, "well, there are some things i want to tell you, but i can tell you only if you are on the ground." dont aske me what that meant. i dont know. but i hypothesize it might be because then i'll be totally focussed on Him, no worrying about standing or balancing or swaying. so i said okay, i'll kneel. so i knelt on the ground, my face to the ground, resting on the top of my hands, palms to the ground and said "what do you want to tell me, Lord?"
i started crying.
really crying. i didnt feel sad, and i didnt feel moody, i didnt feel happy. i felt peace - like this was exactly where i was meant to be at that point in time. but i just cried.
God waited til i calmed down some what to sniffles and quiet tears. then He spoke. in essence, this is what He said:
"well done, you've taken part in My Will, you have spoken My Words to Yu, despite being the quiet and hesitant person you are. well done =]
how do you feel now that you've taken this step of faith and be knitted into My Will? good, huh? =]
so now you know how it feels to consciously do it, do it again! dont be afraid!
now look, all your objectives I have answered."
to which He proceeded to explain one after the other:
"is this not proof that I exist? you are speaking with Me, and I have worked through you here in this conference.
sociology is the study of human organisation and disorganisation. to understand how they organise themselves. use this knowledge to understand the workings of the church. use it for your ministry. use it for your future ministry - you know where I am sending you.
strength I give you. opportunities I will provide for you to remember and exercise what you have learnt.
also, you have been encouraged, and you have encouraged in return"
then He opened the memory of speaking with Yu and seeing her face.
then i prayed. well, prayed through my crying, for other people that i know by name and face.
amanda, one of my 3 roomies prayed for me. it was very touching and very amazing what she prayed for. it was amazing that she even prayed for me! (i just got to know her but the day before!)
hannah and i went forward to pray for our mentor, Pastor Reuben =]
His testimony is very powerful. when you listen, you can hear God's knitting sticks clicking and clacking away =]
very encouraging and all you can do is just sit in awe at how God works and how God simply is..
it was awesome, this conference. really awesome.
to hear God's people sing praises to Him with all the voice they have, pushing their vocal chords to the max
to speak with God's people and feel the passion and understand the struggles they face, encouraging them and being encouraged in return
to feel the wind on your face when you meet with God in the early morning when the sun has yet to rise
to see hands being raised in surrender and in awe of God
to smell the good food during breakfast, lunch and dinner - mmm-mmm =]
to be reminded of our purpose and what really matters, a refreshing look
it was awesome. really awesome.
note: i've begun spending quality time with God again every morning around 7.20 til 8 am just before school starts on monday and tuesday, and around 7 til 7.35 am on wednesday (cos school starts at 9 am). yesterday, no school! so i spent time with God at around 7.15 til 8 am =D
in parting, i'd like to share with you this song a church-mate wrote for the conference this year. may it be a blessing to you as it was a blessing to me.
Written by Jonas Chow, 31 January 2007
Where can I go from Your presence Father
For You are everywhere
Where can I hide but in the shadow of Your wings
Near to Your heart there I’ll dwell
What can I do, Lord, apart from You
It’s not by my might but by Your Spirit
Your Holy Spirit
You are the source of unlimited power
You are the One who makes all things new
You are the vine we are the branches
And Lord, we abide in You
Lord, we abide in You
Holy Spirit fall on us anew (Our beloved Saviour)
We abide in You (Blessed Redeemer)
Holy Spirit fall on us anew (Source of every power)
We abide in You
Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patince, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which you were indeed called in one body. And be thankful.
~ Colossians 3:12-15
top : SQ, Shaun, ShuoXian, Joseph, Pastor Reuben
bottom : YunLing, Hannah, Gracia, ShiYing, me
missing =p : WeeTeck, Josh
East to West -- Casting Crowns
The chains of yesterday surround me; I yearn for peace and rest
I don’t want to end up where You found me
And it echoes in my mind, keeps me awake tonight
I know You’ve cast my sin as far the East is from the West
And I stand before You now as though I’ve never sinned
But today I feel like I’m just one mistake away from You leaving me this way
Jesus, can You show me just how far the East is from the West?
'Cause I can’t bear to see the man I’ve been come rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
You know just how far the East is from the West, from one scarred hand to the other
I start the day, the war begins; endless reminding of my sin
And time and time again Your truth is drowned out by the storm I’m in
Today I feel like I’m just one mistake away from You leaving me this way
Jesus, can You show me just how far the East is from the West?
'Cause I can’t bear to see the man I’ve been come rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
'Cause You know just how far the East is from the West, from one scarred hand to the other
I know You’ve washed me white
Turned my darkness into light
I need Your peace to get me through, to get me through this night
I can’t live by what I feel, about the truth Your word reveals
And I’m not holding onto You
But You’re holding onto me
You’re holding onto me
Jesus, You know just how far the East is from the West
I don't have to see the man I’ve been come rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest (mercy I find rest)
You know just how far the East is from the West, from one scarred hand to the other
(Just how far, the East is from the West, Just how far)
From one scarred hand to the other
(You know just how far, the East is from the West, Just how far)
From one scarred hand to the other
i love songs.
they have a morbidly beautiful and accurate way of depicting emotions, desires..
close your eyes and the stimmung inspires you. the perfect mise-en-scène, the use of chiaroscuro lighting - you see in your mind the scene the music stirs in you arises from the foggy floor of your fictituous santuary.
now you know how i feel.
today was great!
today's the day joyce and i were to present in class on the German Expressionist Cinema.
as some of you might have known, i was a lil apprehensive and quite stressed abt it since this presentation, together with an accompanying thesis paper, was to make up 40% of our final grades for this class (western film history). it didnt help that the work was all pushed to the last minute because joyce was kinda busy..
after we presented, Jan said "very good!"
but i thought that he, like any other teacher, would have said that just to cheer the presenters up after crossing that seemingly difficult and stressful(?) hurdle.
these two engineering guys presented after us on the cinema after the Expressionist movement - basically the New German Cinema (more impressionist than expressionist). i thought it was good, except for using too many words on the slides. seriously, i had problems reading and listening at the same time. also, they didnt have much, or in my opinion, enough, of my fav - pix. Jan pointed that out too, but he didnt pass the comment he gave us
(view the above)
so, it is likely i was wrong in my assumption, and it is likely that he meant it =]
feels like a weight has been lifted from my chest!
well, not lifted totally as i've, or rather, we've still the thesis paper to do. but it still feels good that the work has paid off =D
this is one of the very few times that i can actually hold my head up high and proclaim with a confident and loud voice that i've put in a lot of effort into this (approx 89%) and the hard work has paid off =]
thank you, God, for pulling me through. i pray you forgive me for the thoughts and the words that i've thought of and said that were unkind. thank you for giving me another reason to trust you, and to have confidence in you. thank you for being the just and faithful one as you are.
thanks, A.Mag, for this
Dancing With God
When I meditated on the word "Guidance", I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.
I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing:
When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.
The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.
When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music.
One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another.
It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.
The dance takes surrender, willingness and attentiveness from one person
and gentle guidance and skill from the other.
My eyes drew back to the word "Guidance".
When I saw "G": I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i".
"God, "u" and "i" dance.
God, you, and I dance.
As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life.
Once again, I became willing to let God lead.
My prayer for you today is that God's blessings and mercies are upon you on this day and everyday.
May you abide in God, as God abides in you.
Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life.
Interceding in prayer is one of the best gifts we can receive.
There is no cost but a lot of rewards; so let's continue to pray for one another.
And I Hope You Dance!
42 years, 1 week, 1 day old
There was a time when people said that Singapore won’t make it, but we did.
There was a time when troubles seemed too much for us to take, but we did.
We built a nation strong and free
Reaching together for peace & harmony
This is my country
this is my flag
This is my future
This is my life
This is my family
These are my friends
We are Singapore
Singapore our homeland
It’s here where we belong
All of us united
One peple marching on
We’ve come so far together
Our common destiny
Singapore forever
A nation strong & free
We, the Citizens of Singapore,
Pledge ourselves as one united people,
Regardless of race, language or religion,
To build a democratic society based on justice and equality
So as to achieve happiness, prospertiy and progress for our nation.
We are Singapore
We are Singapore
We will stand together
Hear the Lion roar!
We are Singapore
We are Singapore
We’re a nation strong and free
it's been 1 week and 1 day since Singapore celebrated her 42nd birthday. spirits are high, morale is good, and singapore flags are still proudly displayed in schools, from balconies and fences of houses and on the walls and parapets of HDB buildings.
taking a look at the songs that have been penned and melodies sung especially for national day celebrations, a change in style has definitely been observed. even in terms of presentation (think MTV) of the song, the style and emphasis has changed..or has it?
of all the songs, this one, "we are singapore", has struck a chord with me, and i'm sure, many others as well. i like how the melody, simple and innocent, breathes life and soul to the body of lyric. perhaps it's because it's about what i hold dear, very dear - family, or as stitch would put it, ohana. the video that was filmed to accompany this song has a very nostalgic feel about it. my memory is hazy, but i think it was done in color. however, everytime i call up this memory, the video that plays over and over again in my head is played in sepia. familiar smells of my maternal grandfather's (long since gone from this world) home, waking up after a sleepover at his flat in kembangan at 7 in the morning, hearing a rooster crow in a distance, walking to the table and watching him prepare a chicken floss with butter sandwich for me..familiar sounds of my fellow childcare (kinderworld at toh crescent, now demolished to make way for a new private estate) playing with me in the painted wooden playground, frolicking during water play time in our underpants, watching it being filled and bloated with water then being squished out of our pants accompanied by laughs and shouts of pure joy and ecstacy..familiar feel of pushing bark off the large protruding root of the old tree at loyang 6 toa payoh (tree's now gone, i think)..familiar sights of the night sky kissing the dark sea off the coast outside the runway of changi airport and hearing the deafening road of the airplane jets as they take off and zoom above our heads..all things i associate with my childhood..all are called up when i hear that song.
singapore is indeed walking forward, stride by prideful, cautious stride. that, i think can be said for certain about our economy. but what about our social and political aspect? i think politically, no matter what others, or even myself may say, we are doing fine - we've an obviously capable government, who obviously has our and their welfare at heart, what more could we ask for? let's not look at ideologies here, not about communism, varients of the kind, or of democracy. personally, i dont think any type of ideology is entirely feasible in the real world. both communism and democracy have admirable and of course, idealistic goals, but it is my belief that both are not do-able. they are utopians, granted different, but in a dream world where one society is governed by either one of the ideas, in the purest of forms of the idea, they would be magnificent. but as i said, i dont believe the purest of forms of each are attainable. as such, we've to settle for, dare i say, "second best".
who says "second best" is not good? just because it has the word "second" in front, does it mean anythg? perhaps since the best of ideology is unattainable, "second best" has become the "best". i have no qualms about the way singapore is being run by the PAP, simply because i've no problems with it. i'm here minding my own business, listening to mom and pop say "go get a good education, girl. get a uni degree at the very least", living my life (or is it mine?) with no terrible trouble or friction with the government. hence no problems. it isnt in my interest to meddle in "affairs of the state" nor is it in my interest to enter politics, that area shall be left to those who "care for the political sphere of singapore", or so they claim, perhaps it's just man's carnal nature to compete and emerge the victor in the scuffle that each wants to enter for the sake of winning, each thinking he's the best, each thinking he is right.
the sphere that i care most about amongst the others is the social. granted i'm not the "social-est" of beings, but it is the one arena of life that i find intriguing - it is the one that always changes, is never predictable, and yet, it is fundamentally the same and therefore forseeable. singaporeans..sigh..what are singaporeans? is it a breed of human-kind that can be distinguished from others by some test or characteristic? i dont know. what i see day to day are a bunch of people who dont know where they're headed. some claim that they're headed for university, but after that, where to sailor? some claim they're headed for distant shores, what are you seeking there, vagabond? is it to seek a life that you think you can stamp your name on in bold lettering? you feel that in singapore, your life is being institutionalised and you want escape. is that it? well, surprise, wherever you go, you will find institutions. you cant evade them. life, the moment it is conceived in the mother's womb belongs never solely to you. it belongs to you, and many others, for some, including the entity God.
what are we? who are we? where are we going? how are we going to get there? why are we here, where we are, in the first place?
take a look at this year's national day speech by PM lee hsien loong. what do you see?
i see a future for this country if the world doesnt end tomorrow.
i see a future that the sentimental and emotional me cannot accept because it cannot recognise the new. sometimes out with the old, in with the new is not the best policy. sometimes, the old has to die for the new to come. but is it the only way? or rather is it the best way to move the king? what are the risks? does it mean that if the benefits far outweigh the casualty number, it is correct or justifiable?
the songs that we sing during the national day celebrations, does it reflect a similar shift in emphasis of the government? shift in the focus of interest. a shift in a strategy to "survive"..
our singapore is morphing to become a "global city", a "city of opportunities", a city filled with "moments of magic". a place with, i would venture, enough opportunities for the population, a more or less comfortable lodging for majority of the people compared (i admit it may not be the best yardstick with which to measure) with that of say, ethiopia or timor or in some parts of china, that is the singapore we now know. but a country with a good economy, boasting of a in-corruptable government is not a nation. a nation consists of the people, the people held together by the "social glue", the people having a strong and solid sense of the presence of a community. is that the focus of this year's theme song? because the government is afraid of the countrymen forsaking the country? on a side note, is it utterly essential for singapore to become a nation?
is there really "no place i'd rather be" than here, in "my country"?
singapore. what is your history? what is your future? what are you?
singapore, our homeland, it's here that we belong..
we are singapore.
school's started
school's started for both NTU and NUS students. SMU!! ure next!! mwahahahaha =D
this week's the second week of school for us NTU sizzlers, and can u imagine? i'm alrd behind time because my teacher freaked me out by being unclear of presentation dates on the edveNTUre website, and i've work to catch up on for caroline.
taking 5 subjects again this semester:
Classical Social Theory
Organisation and Organisational Change
Sociology of the Lifecourse
Genes R Us
Western Film History
one. Chee Han's back, with longer hair (a lil shorter than mine..i hope) and a deeper voice. taking my tutorial class for CST. as i said during class, after a slight hesitation as i am not used to being addressed "meg" esp in a deep voice that i cant recognise, this course looks promising! because i love studying theories of the Dead White Men (apologies for any hints of racism detected, no offense)! i esp love MARX!! i think it's because he's the first guy i came across amongst the others during history class in secondary school. and i like the idea of communism*.
*i didnt say it will work, nor that i will guarantee my participation in any form of activity promoting this ideology. i just said i like the idea.
two. prof Tan Joo Ean is taking us for OOC =] i really like her. she reminds me so much of my mum - loud (enough), i'm not too sure abt my sentiments on this module, i'm pretty sure i shall enjoy it, well, ,,it" being listening to prof Tan talk during lectures.
three. no comment on this new lecturer for SOL. aside from that...nevermind...think mingwei, just...worse...(no offense mingwei!)
four. i really pity prof Dr. Gerhard Grüber! the first lect ytd for genes, my goodness! everyone was so chatty! the poor guy had to try to lecture above the din, man! plus ppl were walking out of the Lt like nobody's business. what's your problem, people?? how'd u feel if you were him?? he even brought bubbles, BUBBLES, the pretty purple bacteria, and thought up interesting illustrations for the lecture!! granted the lect was a lil dry (but for me, i know it's cos i've studied this before) but it's no excuse! at least show him some respect! sianz..really felt like standing up and asking everyone to shut up..
five. FILM HISTORY!!!! 40% worth of presentation and thesis paper due next week, wednesday =] .. =( ..
i like watching the short sequences and learning abt the pple and studios =) not to mention the lecturer's not too hard on the eyes either, HAHA..okay, now i'm sounding like a bimbo, but who cares?! i'm not hurting i?
congratulations! you've just finished reading a rubbishy-update-post! tune in next time for a more solid-meaningful-reflective post.
Adios, amigo-mio!
casting crowns -- who am i?
Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wandering heart.
Not because of who I am,
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who you are.
I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling,
And you've told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.
Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again.
Who am I?
That the voice that calmed the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.
I am yours.
Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cause I am yours.
I am yours.
sijia introduced this song to me during our GoFish leaders' retreat frm the 20th - 210707.
Casting Crown's "who am i?"
truth be told i know who i am. but i'm still in shock and in awe about my identity.
i cant understand how God, our God, can love us. i cant understand why of all the creatures that may exist in this ever-expanding universe He chose to reveal Himself to us, to love us, to call us His children.
i'm full of imperfections, full of bad points. full of pride, full of anger, full of injustice. how can the Holy One love me?
bible doesnt say why He loves us. it simply states that He loves us.
interesting, huh?
if u can recall, this theme of unworthiness and gratefullness has infested my thoughts thru and thru. since the time i consciously made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses up til now.
i believe God has shown me the why He loves us. but it's still amazing.
last year, during YMLC, (i blogged this before), during worship, God gave me a vision. an image of a man with His daughter. no surroundings. just the 2 figures.
God loves us simply because we are His children. His creation. period.
there is no why or what we've to do to earn it. it just is.
like when i painted my first still life picture (which my mum threw away =( ). i loved it. it wasnt perfect, wasnt the brilliant billion-dollar work of art i'd really like it to be. but i loved it. it didnt do anythg to earn it. it simply came into being. and with that call to existence, so did my love for it. that's all there is to it.
i think it's like that with God.
His love just is that - His love.
no matter how much we struggle, how much we bicker amongst ourselves, how much pain we cause Him, He still loves us. and that's pretty amazing, wouldn't u agree?
i've never forgotten that.
no matter how far i walk along the road with my Saviour, no matter how mature others say i've become, i've never forgotten that undeserved, unearned love God has for me.
this love is the stumbling block to unbelievers - because they cannot accept it.
this love can also be a stumbling block to believers - because they cannot believe it and feelings of unworthiness overcome them like a tsunami, drowning them in its depths and fierceness.
but this love can be a magnet to both groups of people - because we keep seeing that we need it and receive it with tearful thankfulness.
to me, i believe we are unworthy of this precious yet everlasting gift.
but everytime we are tempted to turn away in shame, know this - God is not ashamed of you.
you belong to Him.
the Holy Spirit He has sealed and marked you with is in you and will testify for you.
"The Holy Spirit who lives in us is really, in a sense, an expression of God our Father's smile, His favour, His pleasure. God is proud of you. He loves you. In Fact, when He goes with you" wherever you journey, "He says to others through you life, " Hey, this is My child. He has My name. His name is Christian." ( OJ, 25 July 2007, "we belong to Him", Crawford W. Loritts)
just like my love for my painting, so is God's love for us - it simply came into existence when we were created.
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, "Abba! Father!" The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs -- heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
~ Romans 8:15-17
who am i?
My name is Megan "nique". and i belong to God, saved by the blood of Jesus. receipient of His love, grace, mercy and teachings.
who are you?
God says "okay".
i've been struggling a little..okay, fine! coupla inches more than just a little..
i've been sinning, and i KNOW i've been sinning. i know exactly what the sin i commited was.
and even though i keep coming to God again and again, on my knees to say i'm sorry and to ask His forgiveness, i feel bad. get this, He replied me. He said "okay". God said "okay" to forgiving me. and i'm just so stunned. i always knew it'd be that easy for Him, but i never did comprehend just how easy it was for Him to forgive.
and everytime i ask for forgiveness, and receive it, i ask for strength to try again. not try again, as in sin again! but try again as in not sin. start all over. well, not ALL over, but frm that instant.
thg is, i just keep sinning. same thg. all over again. and it's so hard! to know ure forgiven is wonderful! but to keep sinning, trying hard to REPENT is difficult =(
and i was reminded time and again about what i've learnt from TTB leaders' retreat\camp, and again, yesterday during quality time with God.
is your theology one that pushes you away from God when u fall, or brings you back?
does what you know about God make you run away and hide when you sin, and i say WHEN you sin because, heh, we all sin.
or does your knowledge and relationship with God draw you closer to Him when that happens?
you might tick the second idea without a second thought, but lemme tell you, so did i.
and here i am, finally understanding what that question is asking. comprehending the weight of the idea those words carry.
the struggle. is it all worth it? what are we struggling for in the first place?
are you sure what you believe in is real?
it all comes back to your faith. faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. (Heb 11:1)
hold on to your faith. to the good allegiance you have established with the LORD our God. remember His statues, His works, Him.
not just what you read in the Bible, remember what He has done for you. His daily blessing, His words of encouragement, His miracles.
the LORD, our God is real.
i believe.
without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. (Heb 11:6)
and having faith in God, we can please God who deserves and is worthy and is being praised. the Bible is full of ways in which we can please Him. He also speaks to us, each of us, individually, to tell us how to please Him. for instance, Eric Lyddell, an Olympic class runner, said "God made me fast, and i feel His pleasure when i run."
pleasing God also includes coming to Him to ask His forgiveness for the sins we commit knowingly and unknowingly and the good we did not do. for If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) All the prophets testify about Him that everyone who believes in Him recieves forgiveness of sins through His (Jesus') name. (Acts 10:47)
yes, we can please Him, but why struggle? if He forgives us if only we ask, why struggle?
my dear children, i write this to you so that you will not sin. but if anyone does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense -- Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. we know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands. the man who says, "i know Him," but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in Him. this is how we know we are in Him: whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did. (1 John 2:1-6)
we struggle because we love Him. we struggle out of love and because of Love. we struggle because we live in a world who does not know Him..yet
when we struggle, and fall, we will rise again, for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity. (Proverbs 24:16)
"when God convicts us of our sin, it's not to drive us to despair, but to send us into the open arms of Jesus.
that's really what the 10 commandments is all about: to show us our need for Jesus."
(OJ, July 17 2007, "the heart of the matter", Greg Laurie)
so though the world is full of temptations, and our own mind has a "dark side", struggle AGAINST them! take no part in their activities! But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Tim 6:11-12)
Finally, brothers (and sisters!), whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pur, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things. Whatever you have learned or recieved or heard from me, or seen in me (Paul) -- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. (Phil 4:8-9)
I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. (Phil 4:13) for His power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Cor 12:9a)
A.Mag & Uncle Peter's Birthday "surprise"!!!
so the surprise wasnt really a surprise, but then it was still a surprise.
anyhow, she loved the cake! (banana chocolate frm secret recipe =]
the birthday girl and her bouquet and banana chocolate =]
Uncle Peter's Durian cake
<- A.Mag cutting her cake (nb. she wanted the flowers there beside her, hehe =D)
Uncle Peter attempting to slice his rock hard cake~! ->
US again =D (after dinner)
*courtesy of Daena
Have a blessed day, y'all